Being Perfect Like Casanova

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Perfection's but a fragile veil, 

A mask that we all wear to sell 

Our image to the world at large, 

To hide our flaws and camouflage.

But intimate contact, oh beware! 

It'll fog up that mask, we'll lay it bare. 

Our flaws will show, our imperfections, 

And we'll be left with no directions.

So better to be like Casanova, 

Who knew the art of quick departure. 

He chose his victims with great care, 

Those who'd leave soon, with none to spare.

Thus, they never saw his flaws, 

His true self remained a lost cause. 

And so he lived, a perfect man, 

In a world of make-believe, a charlatan.

So let's take a page from his book, 

And never let our guard down, lest we look 

Like mere mortals, with flaws and all, 

Let's keep our perfect masks, standing tall.

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