Quiet Quitting

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There's a problem in the office,
And it's really quite absurd,
The workers there are quiet,
And they're hardly saying a word.

The bosses just don't get it,
They don't appreciate their crew,
And when the workers try to speak up,
Their voices just won't come through.

They're quitting left and right,
And the bosses can't seem to see,
That their lack of leadership,
Is causing quite the spree.

The workers are fed up,
They've had enough of the strife,
And so they're leaving quietly,
To start a brand new life.

But here's the funny part,
That you might find amusing,
The bosses are so clueless,
They don't even know they're losing.

So let this be a lesson,
To all the bosses out there,
Treat your workers with respect,
And show them that you care.

Otherwise, you might just find,
Your office is empty one day,
And all that will be left,
Is the sound of your bosses' dismay.

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