Parent's Debt

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In the shadowy corners of our world, There lurks a horror to behold,
A darkness born of twisted minds,
Of fathers and mothers unkind.

They push and prod their hapless kin, Inflicting pain and suffering, Manipulating every thought,
Until their children are naught but wrought.

They claim a debt, a lifelong bond,
A guilt that can never be absconded, For they gave birth and therefore own,
Their offspring's very soul and bone.

But this debt is naught but a lie,
A weapon wielded to terrify,
To keep their children chained and bound,
To a life of misery profound.

So let us shed a tear tonight, For those who suffer in the blight,
Of parents who abuse and maim,
And make their children feel the shame.

For they are lost and cannot see,
The beauty of a life that's free,
From the chains of guilt and pain, That their tormentors seek to gain

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