The violence lies in darkness

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In the depths of darkness, where the shadows reign,
Lies a world of violence, born of primal pain.
Ignorant souls, with minds of stone, Uneducated, their instincts roam.

Their hearts, once pure, now black with hate,
Their hands, once gentle, now seal their fate.
The hearth that once brought warmth and light,
Now fuels the flames of endless night.

Blood stains the ground, as screams fill the air,
No mercy shown, no shred of care. The innocent fall, the guilty rise,
As the world watches, with empty eyes.

Their rage, a fire that never dies, Their ignorance, a shield against the wise.
In their minds, only chaos and despair,
A world without hope, a world unfair.

For they know not the power of the mind,
The strength of love, the beauty to find.
They are lost, in their own darkness, A world of violence, a world heartless.

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