Horror LA ride experience

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On a dark LA road, John did ride
A quiet girl, his only guide
He spoke of drivers, dangerous and wild
But his own thoughts, they were beguiled

He sensed a presence, dark and cold In the silent girl, secrets untold
Her gaze, it pierced, straight through his soul
And his fear, it began to take a toll

With each passing mile, the girl grew bolder
As if possessed, by an unknown controller
She spoke of death, of a tragic end And John knew, he could not pretend

The girl revealed, a shocking truth
Of a life taken, in the prime of youth By the hand, of a drunken driver
Who fled the scene, like a cowardly survivor

John's heart, it sank, deep in his chest As he realized, he was the one who transgressed
He begged for forgiveness, from the girl in the night
But his fate, it was already in sight

As the car spun out, of control and might
John's final thoughts, were of the girl's plight
For he knew, that he was not alone And that the girl's spirit, would never atone.

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