Social Media

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Here's a little poem, it's not too long, About a place where we all belong, Where pictures of our food we show, And our thoughts, well, they overflow.

It's called social media, can't you tell? Where likes and comments are heaven and hell,
We scroll and scroll, for hours on end, Until our eyes can't comprehend.

We compare our lives to everyone else's,
And forget our own journey, our own tests,
We put on a show, it's a spectacle,
Of perfection, of beauty, it's all so calculable.

So let's take a step back, let's breathe, And remember, our lives are ours to live,
Social media is just a tool,
Not the ruler, or the one who's cool.

So let's have a laugh, let's have some fun,
And use social media as it's begun,
To share moments, to connect, to be, But not let it consume, or control, you and me

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