Tech's Self-destructive Shadow

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In a world where screens reign supreme,
And tech has become our daily routine,
We've lost touch with what it means to be alive,
As our souls wither away, and our humanity dies.

We're glued to our devices, eyes fixed on the glow,
As the world around us crumbles and we fail to know,
The beauty of the sunrise, the power of a touch,
As we sacrifice it all for the next social media rush.

Our thoughts and feelings now measured in likes,
Our worth and value reduced to algorithms and spikes,
As we trade in our privacy for a moment of fame,
And our souls are slowly consumed by the digital game.

The age of technology has come with a cost,
As we become slaves to the screens at any cost,
Our shadows grow darker, as we lose sight of the light,
And our humanity fades into the endless night.

We are becoming mere reflections of our machines,
A shadow of ourselves, devoid of all our dreams,
As we lose touch with the very essence of our souls,
And our digital addictions take an ever-deepening hold.

So, let us pause and reflect on what we've become,
As we stare into the abyss of the digital sun,
For the road we're on leads to self-destruction,
And the end of all that we hold dear in life's construction.

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