Another superhero movie

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In theaters everywhere,
The same old tale we share,
A hero rises to the call,
Fights evil and saves us all.

But something's amiss,
The story feels like this:
A worn-out trope that we've seen,
Rehashed in a million screens.

The formula is the same,
It's all just part of the game,
The hero's journey so familiar,
It's lost all its power to deliver.

We want something fresh and new,
A story that feels like a breakthrough,
But Hollywood just churns out more,
Superhero movies by the score.

It's time to take a stand,
And demand something grand,
Originality that sparks our imagination,
And sets our hearts and minds in motion.

So let's put away the capes and tights,
And break free from the usual sights,
Bring on the stories that make us think,
And lift our spirits up with a wink.

For there's no need to repeat the past,
In a world where creativity can last,
Let's open the door to new ideas,
And free ourselves from tired old fears

Breaking The Mold: Poetry For A New EraWhere stories live. Discover now