Generation X

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Oh generation X, what a sight to see, With your flannel shirts and your grunge music, oh so chic.
You claim to be rebels, but really, you're just old,
Trying to hold onto youth as you grow increasingly bold.

You wax poetic about the good old days,
But let's be real, things were pretty basic in so many ways.
You had your MTV and your dial-up connections,
But now you're just left with your lamentations.

Oh generation X, you were there for the birth of the internet,
But now you struggle to keep up with technology's newest tenets.
You talk about the past like it was just yesterday,
But it's been decades and time just keeps slipping away.

So take a step back, embrace the present tense,
And maybe then you'll start to make some sense.
Until then, you'll just be stuck in the past,
A footnote in history, forever relegated to the last.

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