Chapter 1 Deep cleaning

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"Goodbye, I love you!?" I shouted

"Farewell darling" He yelled walking down the path.

I sigh as I move up my sleeves and close the door.

I walk over to the kitchen turning on the tap as I grab the bucket and full it up with water and soap.

"Cleaning, cleaning, clean, la la la" I sing as I put a cloth in the bucket and move it to the window putting it down on the wooden floor.

I grab the cloth squeezing out the cloth.

"Finally done the windows, now I need to clean the floors, I have been thinking" I say out loud.

I tip the bucket full of dirty water into the sink.

"Should I stop wearing shoes in the house?" I question

I keep the bucket in the sink, I walk to the bedroom and started making the bed.

"Maybe I should get some slippers or indoor shoes stop mud and sand spreading through the house"

I nod my head.

Fluffing up the pillows.
I look outside the windows and see the sun is in the middle of the sky.

Ah lunch.

What should I make today, I know traveller has introduced me to sticky honey roast, which was absolutely delicious AND I'm still sure I have the ingredients for it, if not I'll put in a commission.

"La, la, da"
Damn it" I say as I look through the pantry and all over the place, is it the one thing I wanted today it's not there.
I sigh
Looks like I'm going to have to put in a commission for it.

"Oh well looks like I'm going to have to find something else for dinner"

I search round the kitchen and found peppers, meat, nuts and hot chili pepper sauce.

I might save that for tea.

I grab my bag and open it to check if I have my purse.
I nod as I close.

Off to the market I go.

As I walk down the street I saw an academia student harassing a child.

"Hey what do you think your doing?" I asked as I cross my arms.

"Look woman, I don't think you common folk could understand what I'm doing so just leave" He yelled as he looked at me.

"I don't care, leave this child alone, what could they have done" I sneer.

I look over to the child who was begging me with their eyes.

"I need it for an experiment!?" He answered slowly.

Patronising prick.

"Well that would be considered unethical since not only does this child not want to be here and hasn't give you consent, you're unprofessional, untrustworthy and snobby." I sang.

He shivered "how, how would you-"

"Now if you don't want me to tell the guards what you're doing then leave the child alone" I whispered.

He nodded then rushed away.

I neel down to the child's height.

"Are you ok young one?" I asked.

They nod "Thank you miss, you're the only one that did something that helped"

I was erked to think that adults do nothing for the children yet they moan to stop what a bunch of hypocrites.

"Well are you fine walking home on your own?" I asked another question.

"Yep, my dad is right there" he pointed.

I'm glad.

I nod as he ran over to him.

I slammed the door shut, time to eat then back to scrubbing.

"Darling, I'm home" husband called.

I hummed too absorbed in my cleaning then I felt to arms around me "I see you have been busy"

I chuckle as I stand up straight, I look up at him.

Why is he sooo gorgeous, damn I got lucky.

I hug him letting my face rest on his chest.

"I've been thinking why don't we get indoor shoes" I said.

He hummed "why do you ask my love"

"Well since I don't want dirt or sand getting into crooks and crannies it's hard to clean out" I answered.

Which he agreed.
I'm glad because I would have done it anyways.

"I love you Alhaitham"

"I love you too y/n"

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