Strange occurances

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Things have been strange since Lumine visited up.

I have been observing Alhaitham lately, before he interacted with our son, now he doesn't even look at him.

Kah has even noticed this and he has become grumpy and chaotic.
I sigh, I look at the clock that has been put on the wall.

I heard deep and hard footsteps come to kitchen I turn around to see Alhaitham.

I clear my throat.

"I think we need to talk" I stated.

He stares at me then nods.

"What do you want to talk about?" He asked.

"Ever since the end of our holiday you have been acting strange, distant, angry" I said.

"I didn't notice" he replied.

"That's. That's all you have to say, you have ignored your son" I argued.

I cross my arms glaring at him, he looks back at me and sighs, he rubs his eyes with his hands

"Look I've been busy!" He argued.

"And yelling at me is going to do anything?" I argue back.

He sighs, and paces around the room.

"Darling, you're being possessive" Alhaitham growls

I groan, and roll my eyes, and give him the bird.

"I'm soooo sorry for being concerned" I said sarcastically.

He huffs and was about to go towards me, I take a step back "You have been off and I don't think you're Alhaitham, I've noticed that your eyes change!" I tell.

He goes wide eyed "Absolutely, you're sleep deprived honey, and the change of weather!"

"I'm sleeping just fine thanks and what change of weather it's the same all year round!"

I glare at him more.

"Are you really Alhaitham?" I question.

He grunts "What type of question is that?!"

I blink a few times "Then why have you changed?, Why are you acting weird? I can't seem to fathom why?"

"I don't know what you're on about, my behaviour has not changed?" He crossed his arms

We both sighed"Right fine but we are not staying in this house with you, I'll be with tighnari" I stated.

He growled and got in front of me "No absolutely you are not leaving with Kah"

"OH I am until you figure out your priorities" I said moving past him getting Kah and picking him up.

I hum.

"Mama where going?" He asked.

"We are going on vacation" I replied.

"Where?" He asked.

"Uncle tighnari"
He claps his hands excitedly.


"No daddy"

He sulked in my arms and begins to cry angrily.

"Hey it's ok, he's just sorting himself out" I replied.

He shakes his head, burying his head into my chest, Alhaitham just watched us leave.

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