Back again

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A few days later, the weather isn't the best, it's raining heavily, completely heaving it down, I sigh looking out the window before turning to my work

I'm writing down notes about things I have discovered.
Then I heard the door open, I heard multiple footsteps the kneeling beside.

"I'm sorry" that sounds like ...

I turn to look beside to see Alhaitham, I then proceed to look down.

He grabs my hands I heard him mumble before looking up at me still kneeling.

"Look I had time to think, I came here from Liyue, I had a business trip there and I'm sorry for leaving for so long" he apologized.

"Wait what?!"
He looks confused.

"When I was attacked you became angry and neglectful of me and my child" I said.

He looks shocked "I haven't left Liyue since you had the incident because traveller told me you were staying with Zhongli!"

We look at each other with shock I get out the chair and hug him tightly.

"I brought me and our child here due to well us getting in an argument" I stated.

He sighed then he saw Kahva walk in the toddler rushed up to him and hugging him.

"Daddy! Why gone?" He cried.

Alhaitham rubbed his back picking him up and shushing him.

"I'm sorry son, I'm sorry" He repeated.

I sigh, I sit back in the chair leaning back, I put my hand under my chin and I proceed to think.

Is it my ex?
Hmm maybe I wouldn't put it past him however, he's more infatuated with his experimentation and trees?

I sigh, from what Tighnari has said when I first arrived it could be the traveller, she was attracted to my husband when she met me.

Maybe she could have planned this?
I sigh, I'll have to speak to tighnari about this.

I give Alhaitham a look and he nods, I get up and walk out looking for Tighnari.

He sees me and waves he walks over to me as I come to a stop.

I explain to him what has happened and he hums.

"I see, well, maybe but I haven't heard of this happening before, I'd ask the guards first if I were you get information from them first then investigate, just don't do anything stupid" he suggested.

I nod, I thanked him and head back, when I get back I saw Alhaitham sitting on the bed, stroking out sons hair.

I told him what Tighnari told me, he nods.

"I see, what do you think?" He asked.

"I think traveller has something to do with this whole thing" I presumed.

He nods "She's very straightforward, I wouldn't put it past her" He agreed.

"But if we're going to presume things snd accuse Traveller of suck atrocities we will need evidence" Alhaitham said getting up from bed.

I nod, agreeing with him.

"I missed you so much" I whispered.

He puts his hands on my cheeks and kissed me, he pulls back and rests his forehead on mine and looks the eyes.

"I missed you dear" he whispered back.

I smile and wrap my arms around his neck.

The wife of Alhaitham Where stories live. Discover now