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The stroke of my hair felt soothing, although the man I have come to hate gives me comfort I can not help but think of our first date together.

My head resting on his chest while he sat on his arm chair drinking whiskey, now and again you can hear him hum a soft melody.

"I can feel you smile dear, what are you thinking about?" He asked.

"Our first date" I replied.

He chuckled as he stops patting my head instead he wraps his arm around my waist.

"You were so awkward with social interaction that you forgot to drink your coffee before speaking" I chuckle as I move so that my chin us on his chest and I'm looking up at him.

"You weren't any better darling, you couldn't look me in the eyes" he smirks as he took a sip of his whiskey while he looks down at me.

I smile "Well at least I could talk to someone i like"

"Well I'm talking to you aren't I?" He playfully argued.

I blush and turn away he chuckles as he teasingly squeezes my waist.

"That's when Alhaitham kept coming back to you" he grits his teeth.

He adjusts himself as I kept a hold to him so I wouldn't fall.

"So do you still believe that Alhaitham is coming for you?" He asked Whispering in my ear.

I shake my head, after the other day and how he looked at me, I can't help but give up hope of him ever coming to save me. I can't help but cry about it still, the man I married and was supposed to have a child with abondend me when I needed him most.

"How can I" I mumble.

He smirks sadistically as he wipes away my tears with his ungloved hand.

"I'm glade to hear, now you can be mine" he mutters.

I look at him as he puts his hand on my cheek, he moves in to kiss me ... Am I still cheating?

Did Alhaitham ever even love me?
These are the questions I always ask myself.

Yet he abandoned me ... Kiss back.

He puts his hand on the back of my neck as our lips press on each oth and our tongues do a fiery tango.
I felt pain on my lip so I pulled away from him but he wouldn't let me as he put pressure at the back of my neck and pulls me back in.

Was rough? Yes
Was it enjoyable? Absolutely
Do I feel regret? I don't have a definitive answer.

I sigh through my nose as we look into each others eyes however I feel like he's staring right into my soul. He chuckles deeply as he puts his other hand on my cheek then pats it gently.

"You're very beautiful {name}, very beautiful. How about we get married and you have my offspring?" He whispers.
I gulp then look at him.

"But I would have to divorce and I can't do that" I whispered.

"Or it could be that you still have feelings for him? Or perhaps would you like to marry me and stay with Alhaitham?" He suggests.

I haven't thought about that before but then I would have two husbands... Would I rely want that?

"Zendik I, I'm not sure if we should..." I hesitate.

He kissed my neck "I haven't heard you say my name in quite some time, say it again sweets".

"Zendik" I repeat.

"That's right, that's who you belong to now" he says as he sucks my neck.

I groan and tilt my head to the side, he chuckles and grabs my waist tightly as he begins to ravish me.

Am I making a big mistake?

The wife of Alhaitham Where stories live. Discover now