Chapter 9 harbingers.

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Lumine is sitting have tea with me while Alhaitham is at the academia.

"So what is a fatui, you mentioned it when you bumped into me with Childe" I asked.

"Oh well they are an organisation that we need to destroy" Paimon said.

"Oh why so?" I question

"Well they tried to hurt us, tried to kill us, destroy a nation and so on" lumine answered.

I hummed.

"What if they do this to prove a point or they think they're doing what they need to so they're nation stays relevant" I replied.

"Them ha ha ha I don't think so" Paimon laughed.

She is very annoying why can't she just shut up.

"But they have harbingers" Lumine stated.

"Who are the harbingers?" I ask.

"{Name} you have met Childe there's, signora, dottore, scaramouche they are the only ones we know" Lumine answered. 

"Ah ok so what do they do or what did they do?" I ask.

Lumine fidgets, she looks at Paimon then back at me.

"Childe tried to destroy liuye, scaramouche was destroying inazuma from the inside with the vision decrey. And signora attacked us in mondstadt then she tried to appose Ei" She answered.

I sip my tea, this traveller has been busy.

"Oh wow, seems like you have had quite the fight and adventure" I replied.

I put my cup down on to the table and lean forward towards her.

"Do you have feeling for that gentleman Childe" I ask.

She blushes and looks away from me.

"Ah so you do, have you told him?" I stated.

"I couldn't even if I wanted to" She muttered as she looks down into the cup.

"Why so" I asked tilting my head as I lean back.

"He is way older than me, it would be inappropriate" She replied.

I nod "fair enough, is there someone your age you like or have feelings for?" I ask.

She shakes her head "Even if I wanted to date, I'm busy finding my brother and adventuring so I wouldn't have the time" she informed.

I smile, I'm glade she is thinking things through.

"Do you love Alhaitham?" Lumine asked.

"Of course I love him dearly" I answered.

"Why do you ask?" I question as I furrow my brows.

"I'm just asking, with how he acts with us is different to how he acts with you. Is all" She said.

"We will do I'm his wife you are not" I stated.

She puts down her cup then gets up, I observe her.

"I best get going, I had fun having tea with you" She thanked.

I nod "I hope we get to do this again" I stated.

She hesitantly nods then she leaves.

Have I upset her in some way?

Well I have some news for Alhaitham when he gets back.

I hum as I read a story book, when I heard the door open and close.

"Darling I'm home" He shouts.

"I'm in the living room" I shout back.

He comes in then sits down next to me.

"I have news" I said.

He nods letting me know to carry on.

"I went to the doctor's and" I pause, Alhaitham is at the edge of his seat.

"We are going to need to re decorate the spare room" I said with a smile rubbing my stomach

Alhaitham smiles, as he kisses my head.

"Oh darling, I told you there's nothing to be worried about" he commented.

I smile nervously.

"Yea, but it will be rough since you'll be dealing with my change in behaviour" I said worriedly.

"I wouldn't have married you if I couldn't handle this" He stated.

I smile as I hug him which he gladly returned.

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