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My fingers tap against the metal table, which feels like hours but, in reality, has only been minutes.

"Why are you clock watching, darling?" Zendik asked while observing the chemicals for any reactions to note down.

I sigh as I sit up straight against the chair after the "sweet" moment we had. Zendik or Dottore has decided to let me help or wonder around the lab.
I can't help but wonder if Alhaitham has received my letter. Although it hasn't even been a day, I can't help but hope and pray.

I hum a small melody of the locals and the soldiers that patrol round the outskirts of the building and down the deserted halls of the building.
I look out the window to see the burning hot sun, I wonder if me and Alhaitham I could go for a picnic with some wine with some se- OK pg {name} pg.

If Dottore were to find out, I don't want to think as to what he would do. I sigh through my nose as I begin to tap my fingers, I bite my lip as I stand up and walk over to the door.

"May I take a walk outside?" I asked. I turn my head to look over at Dottore, waiting for his reaction.

He nods. "Of course, go a head, love. I know you're safe as you can't escape. Even if you wanted to, he chuckles as he looks over at me as he waves for me to go.

I open the door and close it quietly so as not to disturb him while he works. I woke down the dirty dim hallway as the odd soldier comes patrolling round, they don't look or communicate with me as when the first soldier did, he was never seen again.

Before I go outside, I put on a hat to prevent myself from getting heat. I go outside and wander around until I reach a whichever I sit down and watch the birds.

I wonder if I could ever be as free as a bird, to be able to spread my wings and fly to whatever destination I wish to go, I stuck in my own thoughts until I heard a voice.

"Hey, girlie, it's good to see you again," childe greeted me with a smile.

I nod. "Indeed, has HE got my letter?" I asked eagerly as I turned my whole body to him.

He chuckles and nods as he pulls out another letter. This time, the envelope is closed with a green wax seal that has a symbol of a tree with a green ribbon.

I take the letter gently and open it.

It reads:

To my dearest {name},
Although I may not be able to reach or tall to you as of right now, I am trying my best.
I wish I could hold you and kiss you while I hold you close. Tell you sweet nothings as we add to a growing family.

However, the traveller has been inconvenient as of right now, so I myself have to give kaveh my letters so that he can somehow give you my letters. I am unsure of how many letters of mine have reached or will reach you, but I want you to remember.
I love you, I admire your strong mentality as I'm struggling not to fi d this situation frustrating and angering. However, I have read your letter.
I understand your confusion as it looks like I have misled you, but be assured I have not and would never, I did not mean to give you such a look. Well, it wasn't intended for you, but be rest assured I'm planning to get you free and back into my arms. I promise that no matter what, I love you. I will remain to love after all death do us part.
Remember our vows? I do, and if you do, you will know what I mean.

Love your dearest husband.

I couldn't stop the tears from falling down, I put my hand over my mouth to hide the coming sobs, I look over at Childe as he looks at me with pity, he places his arm around my shoulder and place me into a side hug.

"I know I can't bring you comfort as of right now. I know I'm not to be trusted, but it's either me or dottore, " Childe says as he pats my head fently like an old dog.

"Come find me when you write another letter,"  Childe whispered as he got up, and quickly as he came, he left. I put the letter in my dress pocket.

I go back to watching the birds, I see dottore walking by as I watch him.
I will get out of here, I need to.

The wife of Alhaitham Where stories live. Discover now