Chapter 7 date night

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I put on my dress that I bought the other day, it is a bright green. It has sumeru rose's as the pattern.
I let my hair down, I look into the mirror.

I look beautiful, it's been a while though since we've gone on a date.

I'm kind of nervous yet excited.

I go down stairs to see that Alhaitham has stayed the same except he's gelled his hair back.

He knows how to make me blush without any effort.

"You look beautiful darling" he said confidently.

"Thank you, you're not too bad yourself handsome" I commented with a wink.

He chuckled, I grabbed my satchel then we put our shoes on and headed out.

"Do you want breakfast darling?" He asked.

"I would love breakfast" I answered.

I grab his arm and made our way to a tavern.

We decide to sit outside and eat.

"I'm still wondering how I managed to put a ring on that finger" I stated.

"I put a ring on that finger actually" Alhaitham disagreed.

"And it was the best decision of my life" he continued.

We both smile to each other as we conjoin our hands together till our breakfast comes.

"Please enjoy you two" the waiter said.

Once we had eaten we paid then left to vendor the shops and the market.

I missed the smell of fresh bread.

I look over at Alhaitham who seems to be staring at the jewelers.

"What's caught your attention?" I asked as I try to see what he was staring at.

"Come with me" he answered while walking me to the jewelers.

We go inside the bell could be heard ringing at the top of the door.

"Hello scholar what can I interest you in" the older woman greeted.

"The necklace on the window display can she try it on?" He questioned.

She nods "why of course".

He went to get the necklace, he took it off the wooden mannequin then walked over to me and put it on.

"Beautiful, absolutely gorgeous you suit it" he complimented.

I can't help but blush, what a flattery.

"How much is it?" He asked.

"It's free" she answered.

We both look at each other with confusion.

"Pardon?" I muttered.

"You two are the only couple that haven't called me my age and you asked but your also respectable to your elders" she replied.

I feel like I have heard that before.
I shrug it off we thank the woman and made our way round.

Before we know it, it was noon so we decided to go home.

"Thank you for taking me out I quite enjoyed today" I thanked.

"I have to agree"
We both smile to each other, we take off our shoes I put my satchel on the hook and we make our way to the bed.

We lye down and cuddle.

"If we were to go somewhere outside of sumeru where would you go" I asked.

He hummed for a moment.

"Perhaps, inazuma or liuye" He answered.

I hum, that is sooooo him, he wants the knowledge of the history and the culture of the respectable countries.

I snuggle deeper into his fluffy chest which wraps his arms around my shoulders.

"Do you wish to try for another baby?" He asked.

I nod slowly.

"If the amount of tries we have do you think that there's a possibility that . . ." I pause.

"There's always that possibility but we can't give and even then we can always go to the doctor's" Alhaitham reassures.

I sigh, I love this man to bits, he always knows what to say However I'm still a bit nervous.

What if it doesn't happen?.

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