Chapter 16 Holiday

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"Thank you so much for babysitting Kahva, Kaveh" I thanked I nudge Alhaitham.

He clears his throat "Thank you".

He chuckled "how could I not babysit this cutie pie" Kaveh

I chuckle, I look down at my bag then back at Alhaitham.
"Shall we head off then" He asks.

I nod, I wave good by to Kah which he giggles, I smile gently and we head off.

"Liuye is so beautiful" I whispered with shock.

"That's why I wanted to bring you here" He said.

I smile at him as he places a hand on my lower back.

We walk to the in that Alhaitham had booked and we made our way to the room.

"You know, you should go out this isn't healthy" He muttered

I look back in shock "P-pardon?" I asked.

He looks at me with confusion, I shrug with a smile.

I walk to the window, the stars are so beautiful, they are glistening so brightly.

"I was thinking" I stated, he hummed in response.

"Why do you love me?" I asked.

I walks over to me hugging me from behind "I love you because you are smart, beautiful genuine and you're real" he answered.

Why did his voice deepen at genuine.

I look up at him, am I going crazy?

Maybe not it could glitch.

I smile "What do you want to do tomorrow?" I asked.

Hmmm "We could walk around and visit the harbour".

I nod in agreement.

"How long have you been planning this?" I asked.

"During the pregnancy" he answered.

I walk to the bed, lying down on it "so thick" I commented.

Soon Alhaitham decided to come lye down next me, i place my hand on his waist while he had his arms around my back.

"I love you" I said

"I know" he whispered.

I shudder as I fall asleep.

I woke bright and early, I yawn and stretch my arms as I quietly and slowly get out of bed.

I go for a bath, brush my teeth, brush my hair and get changed by the time I'm done Alhaitham is there already dressed and ready to go.

I look at him and smile "Well hello handsome" I greeted.

"Good morning beautiful" He greeted back.

We both laugh as we made our way to the café area and we ordered our breakfast.

We are wondering round the market until we came across Zhongli and Childe.

"Oh hello, Miss it's been a while since we last met"Childe said.

Zhongli looked down at me then at Alhaitham.

"Ah good afternoon, what brings you to Liuye?" Zhongli asked.

I smile "Indeed, me and my husband are on holiday so we wanted to stay for a couple of days" I answered.

"I see well I hope you enjoy yourselves then farewell for now" Zhongli left and so did Childe.

We wondered round the market and even bought some jade stone as a souvenir, then we walked around Liuye and even talked to the locals.

They were kind enough to tell us the history of the harbour and about Liyue.

Once it became dark it was time to go back till we suddenly got attacked by thieves, while Alhaitham fought back, one had hit me on the head with it.

The last thing I remember seeing was Alhaitham coming to me with a panicked expression on his.

What's going on?

What's happening?

Should I be scared?

Perhaps we can sort it out?

Can I be saved?


hy am I doing this?
Those are the questions I need to ask, but is this a dream?

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