Chapter 8 nervousness

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My legs are tapping on the ground every second.

The same day had been replaying and replaying and Replaying.

What is going on?!

Is it some kind of dream?
A sumsara perhaps?

I come out the bathroom to see Alhaitham waiting, leaning against the wall.

"Do you feel like the day is replaying over and over again?" I ask.

He nods "I agree, something is happening yet I don't know what" he agreed.

We walk to the living until we hear a fierce knock.

"It's open" I shouted.

It was Lumine and paimon.

"We need to find the person who's having the dream" Lumine yelled quickly.

"What and what?" I said.

"We found out that we are stuck in the dream of a person, and we need to find them" Paimon screeched

"Are you saying we're in a samsara?" I assumed.

"Yes" Lumine confirmed.

"I'll stay here, I don't want to get involved" i said hesitantly.

She nods while I could feel Alhaitham stare at me.

"What" I stated.

"You could have helped" he said.

I sigh as I look out the window beside the settee.

"Not only would I get in the way, but it's not my fight, it will end when it ends" I replied.

He hummed "as much as I disagree with you as the more people to search the better however I suppose I don't want to worry about you getting hurt"

I nod "I feel wet" I stated.

He started to chuckle "what an odd thing to say".

I smile the sun's nearly down, what a beautiful sunset.

"Let's head up to bed, I'm tired and I hope that tomorrow it will end" I stated.

We both walked up to the bedroom, we put on our PJs and got into bed while falling asleep in each others arm.

"Is it over" I mumble into the bed.

"It is indeed" he answered with a soft voice.

I hum as I got up, I stretch and followed my lovely husband downstairs to see he has made tea and breakfast.

I smile as I quickly sat down, I wait for Alhaitham to sit at the table for both of us to eat which after 10 minutes he did.

"How long have you been awake for" I asked.

"Two hours, more or less" he responds.

I nod as I continue eating.

"To day I think I'll test to see if I am pregnant" I stated.

He hummed in response.

"If things don't turn out as planned, you know we can always adopt" He said.

"I know but knowing I can have my own baby would be like having the world" I replied.

We could, but he's right and there's nothing wrong with that.

But I'm scared to be infertil I don't want to come to terms with a situation were I can't have children.

I huff shakily.

He gets up and walks over to me then hug me, putting my face into his stomach.

"It's ok, if it comes to such things then we will talk about and discuss what you wish to do" he reassured me.

"Yea but it's also your decision not just mine we both live here and you work so your opinion matters also" I replied.

He nods in agreement.

"You should be going to work now love" I stated.

"Ah you're right, I love you, take care and be safe" he quickly said before rushing out.

I sigh as I giggle, for someone so smart he can have a lack of time.

I take our plates and scrape the left over food then I turned on the water and started to wash up.

Please arcons let me have this child.

The wife of Alhaitham Where stories live. Discover now