Back to normal

551 19 10

While Alhaitham and I are staying in a tavern, Kaveh has offered to settle everything with the house.

Alhaitham and I are sitting on the bed. Well, he's sitting on the bed with me on his lap.
He kissed me roughly as he began to unbutton my blouse slowly, at a teasing pace, while I ran my fingers up and down his chest before I grabbed both his titties.

He groans as I squeeze them while he kisses, sucks on my neck, and shoulders.

"Oh my, since when did you get bold?" Alhaitham smirks.

I blush as I look down. His smirk grows bigger with my visible embarrassment. He runs his hands down my neck and back.
I felt shivers go down my spine, Alhaitham smirks at Mr before whispering into my ear.

"I felt that shiver. You must be pretty excited, huh wifey. " he then proceeds to like and bite my ear lobe.

I bite my lip as I close my. However, all the touches came to a stop. That's when I heard footsteps.

"Mummy." I look down. I begin to tear up, and I crouch down as I embrace my baby, I sobbed in my child's hair as he puts his small skinny arms around my neck.

"I'm do sorry, kah, I can't believe i," I paused as I stood up as I picked him up with me.

"It's OK, mummy. I understand, I enjoyed learning Uncle tighnari, and I've learned many things, " he says as he hugs me tight.
"Just please don't be away for so long. I was  scared you'd never come back, " he cried as he shoved his head in between my neck.
I pat his back softly, I kiss his head as I hug him tightly.

"Archons I've missed you, my baby," I whisper. That's when I felt someone hug us, which was Alhaitham who whispered sweet nothings.

"I'm glad to be back to normal, I need normal, I don't care what it is. I just want normal," I repeated.

He nods as he kisses mine and Kah's cheecks affectionately, I giggle as i look up at Alhaitham, who smiled as well.

After a few weeks, we got settled in. I was cooking in the new kitchen, and that's when I heard weird noises. So I gave Kavha some chores to do while I checked it. The closer I got, the clearer the noises.

It sounded like a male moaning, I gulp as I'm very confused, so I open the door to see Kaveh on his stomach with a blanket over his bottom half while Alhaitham is on top of him with his hands on Kaveh.

"I..." I can't even get my words out.

That's when Kaveh starred shouting "it's not what it looks like, I swear!!!!" I'm just as more confused as I was a second ago.

So I slowly closed the door and made my way back to the kitchen. That's when I heard shuffling and bangs from upstairs, then running.

"Hello, darling," Alhaitham greeted calmly as he walked over and hugged me while Kaveh rushed in a mess.

I chuckle as I raise a brow. "What's up? Did I presume wrong of what was going on? " When I asked that Alhaitham tightened his grip around my waist, I pat his hand as Kaveh yelled no, and it's not like that.

This is the normal I so desperately needed.

{Hello, sorry for the long update. Also, if you want to request scenarios or something like that, you may and I will fulfil the requests the best I can}

The wife of Alhaitham Where stories live. Discover now