No hope

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I was lying down in Dottore's bed with him holding me, I silently cry.

Have I betrayed Alhaitham? Of course I have, what have I done?
What will Alhaitham think of me when he finds out, that's when I felt the arm around my waist tighten.

"Do you get it now pet? He isn't coming for you, Alhaitham is with someone else, if you don't believe me we can go for a wonder and see him" he jokes.

He won't love me after this he will feel so betrayed, I didn't want to but... I love him so much yet I did this to him, I'm a horrible wife and mother.

He runs my arm gently before he got up and got changed "Since we are going out get changed" he ordered.
I nod as I slowly got up, my lower back in pieces as I slowly but surely got changed.

When we were in the town we got food and some gifts, yet I'm not happy, this is meaningless unless it's Alhaitham.

I sniffle "I told you he forgot about you" he pointed to someone I go to where he's stood and look

Why is Alhaitham with traveller, Alhaitham looks over at me, his eyes widen then looks back at the traveller, that's when lumine took his hand and dragged him away. I reached out but Dottore held on to me so I wouldn't run off.

"You see, he let her touch him and take him" Dottore whispered in my ear, I look down he put his hand on my chin and moved it to look up at him.

"I'm the only that now cares about {name}, everyone else has abondend you, but I haven't so give in to me" he purrs as he smirks.

I don't want to give in so easily but I just can't help it, Alhaitham wasn't searching for me was he? He was looking for the traveller.

I want to cry, I sniffle and begin to cry, Dottore hugged me tightly. I know he's manipulating me and I know I said I would never give in but what he says is followed with action.

I cried on his shoulder, archons I don't know what to do, I hugged Dottore back putting my face in his chest. I want this whole situation to not be real. I want this to have never happened.

But what happens if I get preg- no I can't think of that. But yet it's a possibility of happening, will I be happy with Dottore maybe I was when I dated him years ago but he's changed now. I know I can't change him but he can keep me safe I mean people are scared to go near him.

I sigh we walked around a few more times before we headed back to Dottore's room.
How ... Do I handle this?
I don't want to completely submit to Dottore but he's all I've got now until... No I will think of a plan to end get to Alhaitham, I need to tell him, I-I want to hug him and kiss him but he'll probably think I'm disgusting for this and...
I just need to breath and think just breath.

Dottore goes to the guy that bashed his head against the table, he gave himself a concussion however unluckily for him he's still alive. Poor man is going to suffer a terrible fate, I reckon he'll die either today or tomorrow.

I sigh through my nose as I look up at Dottore "pet, how do you feel about knives?" He asked.

I look at him with confusion "I mean I can handle one why?" I answered not fully aware of why he's asking.
He motions me to come to him, he gets behind me as he puts a scalpel in my right hand "cut him open" he whispered while biting his lip.
My hand begins to shake "isn't he still alive" I asked hesitantly.

He nods and chuckled "oh he will feel everything pet don't you worry"

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