Chapter 4 Family

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My family is visiting.

I need to tell Alhaitham.
I totally forgot about it.

You may ask why are you panicking {name} well that's because my family don't like Alhaitham or me for that matter mostly because I married to someone my sister had a crush on.

Even though she had a boyfriend.
Key word.

So anyways anytime my family come over they criticise what I do or the state of the house how I'm dressed.

So, I dress how I do just, JUST so I can make them angry.


Anyways where's my handsome hubby at.

No answer.

"The love of my life?"




Well that was embarrassing, never doing that again.


Then sounds could be heard so I rush down to see Alhaitham sitting on a chair reading his usual book.

Then what was that noise?

"My darling, loving hubby"

"Get the point honey" He sterned.

"My family may be coming to visit" I fidget.

"Today" I smile nervously.

He sighed.

"Are you going to try and anger them again?" He asked raising a brow.

I nod.

He hummed.

Then we heard a loud obnoxious knock goes through the house.

Great they're here.

I go to the my hand stops at the door nob.

I huff as I open the door.

"Darling, you still look like. THAT" my mother sneered.

Yep her rich poisoned mind.

Her husband looked me up and down

What a creep oh well, I slam the door in their faces.

I smile as I wipe my hands on my pants.

I hum as I go to Alhaitham who looked at me with curiousity.

"I slammed the door in their faces"

He nods now understanding my sly smile.

Then the banging kept going, and going and going.

I groan.

"Uuuugh go away, you know you're not welcome here" I shout.

Then I heard a pig like squeal.

"Is Alhaitham in there?" She squealed.


"It's ok my love" He whispered.

"I will be the one to protect you" He said.

This is why I love him, I can rely on him, but this is my family and as much as we hate each other will have a mutual respect for each other.

I sigh.

"Well, I don't want them in the house, why don't we go out for dinner?" I suggested.

He hums then fermly agrees.

So we go to the door and open it.

No one's there, they must have left.

I sigh in relief I close the door then face Alhaitham.

"I'm glade they're gone, I was really nervous to confront them" I confessed.

He patted my head.

"It's alright they would have been insufferable to be near them anyways" he stated.

I sigh in relief.

"There was a time when I thought you would have dated my sister" I stated out loud.

"Why although she looks like a beautiful rain drop that's calm and tranquil yet that rain drop can turn into a rain storm" He replied.

I humm.

"Do you" I pause.

He raised a brow quietly asking me to carry on.

"Do you think we can try for a baby tonight?" I asked a loud.

He smirked as he grabbed my waist roughly.

"I do believe we can" we answered.

I smile gently I laid my head my his chest.

He starts petting my hair.

The wife of Alhaitham Where stories live. Discover now