Spicy time

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After dinner, I looked outside to see it's completely dark with no vibrant stars displaying in the sky.

I felt a hand wrap around my neck tightly but not tight enough to choke me.
He smirks as his hot breath is against my right ear, I shiver as I get goose bumps.

He chuckled as he ran his other hand from my chest, and in-between my breasts, he removed my blouse and then placed both his hands on my breasts.

I groan as I rub my thighs together. "What's the matter, puppy?" He mutters as he bites my ear lobe.

My breath hitches as he pinched my nipples and turns them, I pant as his left hand travels from my boobs to my pants, he unbuttoned then then he goes down them.

I felt his hand on my "You're dripping love, I didn't know you liked having your breasts and pussy played with" he commented.

I moan as his finger went inside of me, archons his fingers are thicker than Alhaitham's, I can feel him stretching me.

I'd he better than Alhaitham? I'm not too sure. However, I know his fingers are stetching me out more than Alhaithams would, although Alhaithamd fingers feel longer the Zendiks.

I moan as he begins to roughly thrust his fingers inside of me. He adds more fingers each second, and before I know it, he has three fingers inside of me. I groan as it goes faster.
"What's the matter pet, can't handle it well" he pauses before he gets to my left ear and whispers deeply "wait till you feel my cock inside of you".

I gasp while he removes his wet fingers covered in my juices, he looks at me then smirks as he puts his wet fingers in his mouth and begins to livk them clean, I could feel my face become hot.

He then pushes me down further on the bed as he gets on top of me, I gulp as I look up straight as him, I look down to see his pants already unzipped and half way down his thighs. His cock springs out as I gulp I look back at him then he places his hard erect cock at my entrance then pushes inside of me all the way.

I groan, and hiss in pain. I look down to see a small bump on my lower stomach. He slowly thrusts, keeping it at a smooth pace, I pant as I clench my teeth hard, and he grunts as his hands tightly grab my waist.

"Harder, faster please," I beg as I clench onto his shoulders. He chuckles and then does what I say. He goes faster, harder, and even harder than before, I begin to moan loudly as he puts his head between my neck and shoulder blade.

I felt him bite my neck multiple times. After a few minutes, I could feel my climax coming. "Are you close, dear? I can feel your pussy tighten around me" he asks with a condescending smirk.

I nod as u continue to moan "ugh fuck, yes!" I scream I wrap my arms around his neck as I came.
I pant as he grunts then cums inside of me, we both pant as he gets on his and takes his pants off completely.

He pulled me to his chest and kissed my head, I would never have thought that I would do this with dottore ever again.
I look up at him, he smiles gently, then kisses my lips. "I could get used to this {name}" he whispered.

I hum in response, I don't think I have the energy to open my mouth he chuckles as he holds me close, I close my eyes and before I know it. I've drifted off to sleep.

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