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{Name} looks up at dottore with love and confusion. She's unsure if she should still be feeling the things she does.

She cuddles closer to the pale blue haired male , and he patted her hair gently as he whispered sweet nothings into her ears.

I can't help but feel as though he takes better care of me than Alhaitham.

I shake my head, no, no, I shouldn't think like that, but from how he looked at me last time, it gave me shivers and not the good kind. I look  at dottore, whose face is now resting in between my breasts.

I sigh and pat his head slowly, dottore hums with delight as he wraps his arms around my stomach.

"I have a question," I stated as I looked forward.

He responds with a hum.

"Why was Childe in sumeru?" I asked. This caused Zendik to look up and smirk.

"Well, that's confidential love," he purred.

Great, so he's teasing me. He never cared for confidentiality yet, but when it matters, he cares? This feels strange.

I don't feel good about this, not at all, I can't help but feel very uneasy as of right now, I need to get out of here.

I wish I never got rid of my bow and arrow.

I bite my lip as I look at the ceiling, I then close my eyes. When I feel Dottore move, I look at him as he gets up, getting off the bed and putting on his clothes.

"Where are you going?" I asked. He puts on his boots, and he then walks over and pats my head.

"Well, I have to work now, don't I?" He chuckles, stating the obvious.

I nod while looking down at my hands. He sighs, "Don't worry, pet, nothing will happen, not while I'm here to protect you," He says, kissing my cheek and then walking out of the room.

I bite my lip and pick at my fingers. OK, I need to think of a plan to get out, but yet why do I feel like I want to stay.

Have I been in a situation like this before that I feel safe and comfortable like this?
Has this happened before?

What's going on? No. No. I don't need to question this. Well, it is more like questioning it. However, I've got to look around, but for right now, I'm too sore to do anything as of right now.

So, I get comfortable in the bed, so when I feel a hand run through my hair, a flinch, I look up to see childe.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

He smiles and hands me a letter, so I sit up to get in a more comfortable position to read it. I turn on the table lamp.

"What? How?" I stutter as I struggle to get my questions out, which made him chuckle.

"It's from you know who," he states, I look at him with confusion until he tells me to look at the handwriting.

I gasp, this is Kavehs handwriting, but ... why?

I opened the letter to look at the contents. I gasp, so Alhaitham is trying to get to me, but traveller. I look up at childe.

"I'm afraid some things have gotten out of hand, I'm afraid," he says.

"Why, what's going on!" I questioned

He sighs, "Traveller ... i ... there are some people traveller can't manipulate or force, " he says

I put a hand over my mouth, I feel like crying, but I can't, I won't.

"If I write back, can you give it to Kaveh without anyone knowing?" I asked while looking at the letter.

"Of course, comrade," he answers with confidence.

I nod as I begin to write my reply. Please let Alhaitham and Kaveh be safe.

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