Going to Dottore

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I sigh, I suggested I go to Dottore since obviously it could be one of his experiments.

"Apologies but it's not possible" He said very amused.

"but, who else could have done it?" I asked.

He sighs and turns around swirling a vile of liquid.

"Even if I wanted to I would need his DNA for a replica AND I make sure that my clones are stable and of use" He answered.

He's got a point, he's a perfectionist, if an experiment doesn't go right he would find it and destroy it since. It would be a hassle for him in the future.

"Is there a chance that someone could have broken in to your lab?" I question.

"Perhaps however people and soldiers are too" he smirks, showing his teeth "are too afraid to come in without my permission"
I sigh.

He's got a point.

"I have more important matters than digging in to your ... Personal matters, I have no reason to meddle, it doesn't amuse me since I would be your first suspect in the first place" he continued.

He's got a point, I cross my arms.

"Well then do you have any idea who could have made the clone?" I ask.

Alhaitham has been glaring at Dottore the whole time, his arm around my waist.

He hums for a little bit "I know the other day Traveller, you know the blonde one with a petite body and a white dress? She came to me asking me about some tree that I'm not interested in anymore, I left the room for 5 minutes exactly then when I came back in she was gone"

I look at him confused until Alhaitham spoke "did you notice anything missing?"

"I did, actually there was a jar full of enzymes, they hadn't fully developed and I needed to add more..." He chuckled.

I shivered, I don't want to know, I look up at Alhaitham, he just pat's my head and I huff my cheeks.

"I labeled it as my next clone obviously for myself, I noticed traveller dropped something" He goes to his desk and opens a drawer.

He grabs something than walks back he hands me a pen.

"I would unscrew the top, you'll find something that's related to your search" he smirks.

We nod, we talk some more before we had to leave, we go to a cafe to discuss what we know so far, after a few minutes we hear shouting.

Oh it's the flying child, I sigh, Alhaitham rubs my knee reassuring me.

I nod.

"Alhaitham hey" Lumine greeted.

He nods in acknowledgement.

"{Name}" what a bitch.

We look at eachother we start talking about the food as Lumine sat beside Alhaitham.

I sigh and cuddle up to Alhaitham putting my face into his left man tittie.

Alhaitham sighs but he doesn't seem surprised by my behaviour however Lumine is annoyed.

"What do you feel like eating?" Alhaitham asked me.

"Maybe the special for today" I answered.

He hums, Lumine sits there with her arms crossed.

"What do you need Lumine?" I asked.

She huffs, before putting her arms on the table.
"I'm trying to do a commission but I'm stuck!"

I blink before rolling my eyes.


"It's timed, I struggle to defeat all the enemies!" She cried.

I hummed by the time the food arrived, Lumine claimed my lunch so Alhaitham decided to share his with me.

We look into each others eyes, this reminds me when we were dating.


I may do a book about when {name} and Alhaitham meet and begin to date, would ya like that?

Right well let me, have lovely, mornin, afternoon, evening and night.

(⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠³⁠˘⁠)⁠♥

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