Chapter 15 Confused.

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We all sat down in a café discussing things.

"Wait, wait, wait" I said placing my hand onto the table.

I made sure to get a baby sitter of course.

I look at kaveh with shock.

"Yeah that's how I knew something was wrong, Alhaitham is usually so mean to me however he was nice and gave me my keys" he yelled.

I smile as I look down then back at Alhaitham.

I motion him with my head to go somewhere private.

He nods, so we get up while they were talking and we went to the back of the room.

I look him in the eyes "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have presumed" I whispered.

He smiles a gentle smile "I would also like to apologize, I should have told you what was going on instead of letting you presume" He apologies.

He leans down to kiss me which I took, I wrap my arms around his neck which helps to deepen the kiss.

He pulls away and kisses my forehead.

"May I ask you a question?" He asked.

I nod my head.

"How is HIM?".

I look down, then any where I can avoid him.

"He" I pause for a second "He was the very first person who accompanied me to my adventure to Sumeru" I answered.

He pulls away from me completely, he motions his head telling me silently that we need to head back to the others.
I nod in agreement.

We made back to the others and discussed what we should do.

"You want to lure this fool out.
With me" I questioned resting my head on my hands.

"Absolutely" Paimon yelled.

I sigh.

I look around and no objections.

"Alright where do you want me to be?" I asked.

"In the market, act like you're food shopping" Alhaitham said.

"I was going to do that anyways since someone decided more than usual" I sassed.

He huffs, I nod.

I look inside the bag to check I have everything I need.

"My lovely, darling, beautiful wife would you like some help?" Alhaitham? Asked.

I nod hesitantly.

He took the shopping off me quickly.

I give him side eye.

"Did you get the thing?" I asked.

"The thing?" He questions as he tilts his head.

"You mean this thing darling?" Alhaitham interrupted.

The fake Alhaitham flinched and froze up.

"Who are you?" kaveh asked coming out the bushes.
I watch with confusion.

How or where the F did he come from???.

So turns he's some young adult lad that wanted to get girls so he bought some potion from some shady group.

"That was unexpected" I laughed, I watch kah crawl around.

We are sat at home cuddling on the settee watching over my baby boy.

"When he gets older we should give him another sibling" he mumbles.

I gulp looking up at him.

"He left me" I stated.

He hums in confusion.

"The companion I once had he left me when we were in danger and used me as an escape goat which when I saw introduced to my ex partner" I answered staring lovingly at Kahva.

He looks at me with something in his eyes. .

"You know I woulder NEVER cheat on you right?" He said.

I nod "I'm sorry I accused you of cheating love" I looked at him with guilt.

He sighs with a smile.

Why do I?

Why do I feel like something bad is going to happen?

The wife of Alhaitham Where stories live. Discover now