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This is getting NO WHERE!!!!
I groan,. Alhaitham looks over at me with amusement.

"what you lookin at!" I shouted, extremely annoyed.

This is fucking awful!!!.

He chuckled and patted my head, I begin to pout.

We went to another guard.

"Have you seen this man" I point to Alhaitham "wondering around the city for a month or so?" I asked.

The guard hummed then he said in a deep and authoritative time "Why? Has something happened?".

"Uh we're just looking for someone" I responded.

"I have, there's times were he has dropped what looks like powered bag, I didn't think much of it as the baker took it" The guard answered.

"How is that not suspicious!" Alhaitham questioned putting his index and thumb on his chin.

"Well, it's not the first time it's happened with different people, what I thought was strange was that it looked like he was constantly dripping, you know how ice melts that type of thing" He replied.

Me and Alhaitham looked at each other, I bowed before thanking him and I ran off, Alhaitham hurriedly ran to catch up to me, I grabbed my arm and pulled me to the side.

"Look if we run and hurry, this may make things a little more complicated" he stated.

I huff and look away from him for moment, I then look back up at him "What if we are too slow and he gets away!?" I exclaim.

All of a sudden, Alhaitham put our hoods up and he kissed me, I lean in to it, I missed this.

As we kissed, it felt like nothing else mattered, everything just ... Seemed to disappear, I felt at peace.
I put my hand on his cheek, he leans into it quite quickly, soon it gets rough he runs his tongue over my lips, I open my mouth for his tongue.

Our tongues mingle, as soon as I pull away he wraps his hands around the back of my neck gently, pulling me back into the kiss.

I sigh through my nose, our lips tangle together like a lock and key that fit just right.

"Archons I love you" he mumbles I to my lips.

"I love you" I mumble back.

What seem liked minutes we pull away we look into each others eyes lovingly.

"I'm sorry about all this" I said.

He looks at me with confusion "I can't seem to fathom why you're apologising?"

"I just" I hesitate, when Alhaitham saw me hesitate he hugged me.

"I married you because I love you, you brought me a lot of trouble, even then I still love you, we go through this together, you did it alone for so long,now let me help you" He said putting his head on my shoulder, I pat his back.

"what a vow" I mutter.

He chuckled, we step out of the alley.

"Why did you do that though all of a sudden" I ask.

"the imposter came by and I wanted a kiss"

He furrow my brows "Seriously?"

He chuckled and nods "Look, drops of some kind of liquid" he points to the floor.

"Could it be that the imposter is a clone?" I question looking at the drops.

"Yes I can't see it being any other way" Alhaitham answered.

"Not unless he has a bad bladder!" I joked.

Alhaitham hummed.

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