Chapter 5 decorating.

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Yes I'm sore but now that I look at each room I feel like they can use with a new set of paint or new ornaments because we have had the same colour, the same everything since we moved in together.

"I think we should decorate the house again" I commented.

He choked on his breakfast.

"Why do you think such things?" He asked.

"Because it's boring and plain" I answered.

"I don't see the point it's fine the way it is" he mumbled.

"That's because you don't care for decorating" I mumble.

He huffed as he stood up and placed his empty plate into the sink. He then kissed the top of my head then rushed out the room.

"See you this evening darling" he shouted from the front door

I sigh as I put the rest of my breakfast into the bin the I placed my plate into the sink then proceeded to wash up.

I sigh as I then go to each room.

"Maybe our bedroom could use some more bedding or a different bedding" I mumble.

I hum as I go to the living room, I think a simple jar of flowers or plants would be nice and refreshing for the room.

I'll go to a stall perhaps.

And that's what I did, I went and got some flowers, on my way home I see lumine and paimon as well as a ginger haired man.

"{Name} hey" Paimon yelled.

I huffed but I have to respond I would feel rude if I didn't.

So I walk over.

"Greetings Paimon, lumine and stranger" I greeted.

"{Name} this is Childe he's part of the fatui" Paimon said.

"I'm afraid I don't know what a fatui is but nice to meet you Childe" I greeted while holding my hand out for him to shake.

He took it "you to {name}".

"Now if you excuse I've got things to do" I said as I walked off with a laboured huff.

When I got up to the house I placed to plants into their spots.

"Yeah that looks good" I mutter with pride.

Then I go over to our shared bedroom and change the bedding to the new green plant one.

I have enjoyed doing this now, I have to check if our loving making has worked.

Looks like we are going to try a few more times.

I hope I have a little girl in the future, I can imagine picking out her clothes while Alhaitham reads to her to teaches her.

I sigh in content.

It's now in the evening and I'm waiting for Alhaitham to come home, tea has been made I have even glasses us some dandelion wine.

"I'm home" he shouts, you can hear him take off his shoes then come into the kitchen.

"Looks appealing darling" he said while sitting down across from me.

"I managed to get us dandelion wine at the market on sale" I stated.

He hummed as he took a sip.

"I thought since a traveller once taught me how to make sticky honey roast I thought I would let you try some although I'm not the best for obvious reasons" I spouted.


"{Name} I smell burning" shouted Alhaitham.

That's when I noticed black smock coming from the kitchen.

"Oooh nooo!" I yelled as I rushed to the kitchen.


Yeah we had get the kitchen rebuilt.

It was my fault though, AND I took full responsibility.

He took a nervous bite.

His face paled.

"It's better than it was though you should start taking cooking classes" he said as he struggled to swallow what was in his mouth.

"I'm that bad" I muttered gloomily.

I sigh, I suppose he's right.

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