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Today is the day.

You may be thinking, what do you mean today is the day {name} "Well, let me tell you!
It's Alhaitham's birthday. He may not enjoy celebrating his birthday. However, it's too late to turn back aaaaas I'm already at some shops yo get some birthday supplies like personalised banners and new books with cakes.

I put the items in my bag, and then I head back home to start making his favourite meal, which is Shahrizabz Meat Stew, so I ready the pan.

I chop the meat into decent size pieces so that our son can eat it without choking.

Everything is going to plan except ... Alhaitham came home early, which he never is. So I turned off the stove and rushed to the door to stop him.
I lean against the doorframe as I smile at him. He crosses his arms and raises a brow.

"What are you hiding?" He asks with amusement.

I smile "nothing I'm just wondering why you're home early?" I answered with another question.

He sighs with a smile "well I have run out requests to do, and I'm still figuring out something out," he replies.

"A right well, can you do some grocery shopping for me?" I asked

He hummed as he nodded. "Of course, do you have a list?"

Shit I forgot I didn't think that far. He probably doesn't either A. believe me or B already knows what's going on, and he's just playing along, which is most likely the answer.
Curse his intellectual.

"Sorry, I forgot to make one, but could you get me my regular cleaning supplies if you don't mind?" I stated as I began to sweat out of nervousness.

Yes, please, by it, please buy it.

"Alright, I can do that. Are they at the usual place?"

I nod, confirming him, so he turns away and heads out to the market.

I sigh out of relief, I head back inside and begin to put up the decorations. I smelt smoke coming from the kitchen, and I rushed in to see my stove on fire, so I began to yell outside for help, which no one I went to grab water.

Then the door went, and I turned to see Alhaitham with a bag full of the cleaning products in his hand, he puts the bag down and came to help me put out the fire.

I sniff. "It was supposed to be a birthday surprise, but instead, it became a disaster." I look down with shame.

He smiles as he pats my head gently as he pulls me into a hug.

"It's alright, it's the thought that counts, and it's not like I already knew anyway," he says with gratitude

I smile and nod. "I shouldn't be the one crying, then what would you like to do for your birthday?" I asked.

He smirks. "How about we eat out, then we come home, and I eat you out for seconds and give our baby boy another sibling?"

I blush, but agree to it, it is his birthday so I can't see why not.

The wife of Alhaitham Where stories live. Discover now