Chapter 6 illness

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After what happened yesterday I have managed to my me and Alhaitham a case of food poisoning.

This is my fault I should have know this would happen yet I did it anyways.

What a stupid action, although he's to blame since he still ate it when he knew full well that he would get poisoned yet still ate it anyways, and people call him smart.

I sigh as I lie down on the settee (couch) resting my stomach after what took place last night.
There was water on the table and a sick bowl for just incase I need to be sick again.

I'm not that bothered about being sick, better out than in I say but if needs to come out then it needs to come out.
However, Alhaitham has recovered quickly though.

He stroked my hair, as he reads his books out loud to keep me occupied and entertained.

"Why did you let me eat my own cooking, you know I don't learn from my mistakes" I moaned.

"Because I wanted let you learn physically, have you learned your lesson?" He questioned.

I nod my head slowly as not to give myself more nausea.

He smiles gently as he rubs my head.

"I have been thinking" Alhaitham stated.

"Aren't you always?" I said sarcastically.

"How about when you're better and not on the verge being sick or having diarrhea how about a date?" He asked.

"I would like that" I agreed.

We stay where we are for a few moments until it was lunch time.

"I'm going to make some soup for you, we don't want to overload your stomach now do we?" He stated.

I hum in response I feel like I could take a nap, I deserve one after what happened last night.

I woke up to the smell of vegetable soup so I slowly sat up as Alhaitham was setting down the bowl, he then put a blanket over me.

"You don't have to eat a lot of it just some of it" he whispered.

He was being sincere, I love this man.

I nod as my shaky and sweaty hands went to grab the bowl until he stopped them.

"Let me, you're shaking the soup will go all over your hard work of cleaning" He commented.

I sigh as much as I hate it I don't want soup to burn me and create a mess.

He takes the bowl and starts to spoon feed me.

"Here comes the tiger" He mocked.

Oh what a bastard.

I ate it anyways, as patronising as it is it gives such pleasure that we can joke around like this.

,"I'm feeling better thank you" I thanked.

He hummed kissing the top of my head as he took away the bowl and washed up.

A few minutes later he came back with team

"This tea contains ginger which helps with nausea" He stated as he put the tea down onto the table.

The smell of ginger could be smelled all around the room.

I sigh in relief as I took the cup and took a sip.

I have to say I certainly do feel better.

"{Name} you need to take cooking classes I will pay for them if I have to" Alhaitham sternly said.

I nod "ok I agree especially after this"
I put the cup down and sulk.

What a day.

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