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I woke up to find Dottore at his desk squribling away, I sit up and stretch. He turned around then walked over to me.

"Good morning pet" he greeted with a sly smirk.
I roll my eyes as I sit on the edge of the bed "I have a little present for you"

He went over to his desk to grab a medium sized box that wrap wrapped in a red bow, he then returned back to me and gave me the box, I look up at him with suspicion. I grab the box and opened it.

What the fuck?

It's a collar and least, the collar is leather with lace going round it, it also had a tag that said 'property of Il Dottore' the least was short but just short enough that if pulled it would choke a person.

I look up at him "What the hell is this!" I exclaimed, I want an explanation.

He chuckled and puts the least around my neck then attached the leash "come on babe, doesn't this remind of way back then huh? Remember when you asked me to tie you up and f-" before he carries on I shout"I get it ok! Just why though everyone knows who I'm staying with".

He chuckled "I've always wanted a pet" I growl "See you sound like one too".

I glare at him before I could say anything he tugged on the leash making me fall of the bed and onto the ground, I sit up and get on my knees "I just need to train you to bark when I want you too, but you still remember your place since you're soo quick to get on your knees" He says as his voice depends.

I look down as I shake with anger and fear, after knowing him for some time I knew he had changed but I didn't realise that he would be this bad.
I want to cry but I bet he would like that too much, I need to keep myself together, I just want Alhaitham I miss him soo much, I want to hug him and kiss him I want him to hold me in his arms and tell me that all this was just a bad dream, that everything is ok.

"Now, you need some toys don't you love, however only good girls get toys, ok?" He patronised me I huff I need to play along so I nod "good girl, now behave for me, like a good girl" he smirks then makes me walk on my knees over to his lab, he then put the leash and tied it to the radiator.

"Sit and be a good girl, can you do that for me? Be a good girl?" He questions as he baby talks me.

If only I had the power to do something about him, but obviously I don't so I just need to deal with him for now.

I sit on my ass as I crossed my legs and looked at me, he mixed the chemicals and swirled multiple viles till a person in rags comes in, they were shaking, their boney skinny arms wrapped themselves together.
He looked over at me then at Dottore I think for a moment before I nudge his knee to let him know that there's a person standing behind him.

Dottore looks down at me then turns to where I was looking, I chuckles and pays my head "My good girl" he walked over to him.

He dragged the poor man to a table he told him to lie down and he strapped him to the table, he went over the table to grab the chemicals then walked back over the table. He injected the solution into the man, he was fine at first then he began to scream and spazm then it stopped, I was taken aback. That's when he started slamming his head against the table.

Dottore walked over to me and covered my eyes with his gloves hands

The wife of Alhaitham Where stories live. Discover now