Chapter 12 Strange woman

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Alhaitham was on his knees mumbling to my large stomach.
As he was mumbling he stroked my stomach, until we saw a kick.

"Oh my archons" I mutter with surprise.

"They're a feisty baby" Alhaitham snickered.

"Excuse I hav to use the bathroom" I said as I tried to get up.

I look at Alhaitham silently asking him to help me which he did when he got up.

He watched amusingly as I waddle to the bathroom.

Once I was done I sighed in relief, when I went downstairs I saw Alhaitham putting his shoes on.

I tilt my head to the side "where are you going?" I ask.

I looks up at me "out for a walk, do you wish to come with me?" He asked.

I move the hair from his forehead and kiss his forehead "I would be delighted" I replied moving my head away.

I put on some slip on shoes due to my bigger size.

I grab his arm and we make our way around the shops and stall.

Until I see a mysterious girl.

She has green hair and soft spoken voice, I can hear her mention tighnari

I shrug my shoulders, it's none of my business what others are doing their business is their own.

We sat down on bench due to my feet killing me.

I can't stop thinking about that girl, I haven't seen her around and her clothes I haven't seen them.

Perhaps she's from a village near by?
I sigh.

"What's the matter my darling?" He asks.

"It's nothing don't worry" I reassured.

He grumbles.

"What was that" I said with irritation.

"Don't worry about it" he replied.

I roll my eyes, that's when I caught the green haired girl talking to lumine.

"oh hey {name} how hae you been" Paimon asked

"Oh I've been alright, who is that green hair?" I asked.

"Oh that's Collei she helps tighnari look after the forest" She replied.

I nod.

Ah ok.

"Is that what's been on your since we've been out" Alhaitham questions.

I nod my head.

"Well yea I haven't seen her before" I stated.

He hums.

"Well that clears things up" I commented.

I tried getting up when I was hit with back pain.

Alhaitham notices and helps me up I wave goodbye to Paimon as we make our way to the house.

When we did Alhaitham took off his shoes then helped me take off my shoes.

We go to the bedroom and lye down.

"How are you darling?" Hubby asked.

"I'm alright just, tired and heavy" I start to cry "I feel huge" I sobbed.

He runs his hands through my hair.

"I can't do anything without help anymore" I cried while rubbing my eyes.

"It's alright, it's going to be ok. It's not long till your due date love" he whispered into my ear.

I nod "alright, your right I just, I don't want to feel this way, it's probably hormones" I said.

I hug him making sure I put my head on his chest.

He wraps his arm around me, we both sigh in relief.

"I love you, so, so much" I mumble sleepy.

"I love you so much as well" He muttered back.
I slowly start to fall asleep Alhaitham runs his hand through my hair while humming.

My eyes close and relax.

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