Dottore's route

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I blinked a couple of times before sitting up, I look around to see a dark room, full of jars of body parts and preserved animals and organs.

What's going on, where am I?

And where's Alhaitham, shouldn't be be with me?

"You're lucky" A soldier with a mask and fur coat that has a orange tint.

I tilt my head "what do you mean?" I asked.

"If me and my men hadn't recognised you, we would have left you to die in your own blood" He answered.

"Do you know where Alhaitham is?" I questioned, ok so I remember being hit but that hard to the point of causing blood?

I sigh as I bit my lip.

"No, I don't know who he is but we didn't find anyone near you at all" He replied.

Ouch, did he just leave me there? No he must have gone looking for help, he wouldn't just abandon me like that after he loves me with a child together he couldn't forget about me and leave.

"So where am I?" I asked.

He sat down on the chair next to me.

"I was wondering when you were going to ask that question well you're at the bank" He replied.

The bank? Why would there be a bedroom at the bank?

"Well that's all I'm obligated to say but just to let you know you will develop headaches or migraines for a while whatever happened to you, did some damage not a lot of damage but damage nonetheless" He spoke.

I sigh nodding my head.

Now the only thing I can do is wait, archons knows how many soldiers are here, I'm on a foreign land in an unknown place with a strange situation and I'm obviously unfit to battle even if I could fight in the first place.

I sigh, what circumstances I'm in.

"Ah so you're awake!"

That voice "Dottore?"

"Yes {name}?" He replied.

I look up at him seeing him with his mask.

"What ... What are you doing here in Liyue last time I saw you you were in Sumeru" I asked.

He hummed as he motioned the soldier to get out which he did and he sat down in the same chair.

"Well after I got notice of a strange young woman that had been brought in by a group of patrolling soldiers I couldn't help but become oh so curious" He replied.

I gulp looking him, my palms are sweaty and I start to fidget.

What the hell is he playing at, before he didn't give a flying shit about me however now he.

He... Damn it and I can't do anything about it archons know how powerful and dangerous he's become.

I bit my lip "Stop that you're going to make your lips bleed, no need to be so nervous I'm not going to experiment on you. Not yet at least" He spoke up causing me to flinch.

Not yet.

What doesn't he mean not yet, is he.

Is he crazy, well obviously so he hasn't been ok mentally since I've known him but .

Is this why he let me get away the first time.

To experience betrayal and or anger so I would come back to him.

I'm not a pet waiting for her master to come and give her affection.

I sigh, I have to. Know not yet I need to find out about what happened to Alhaitham.

He's probably looking for me right now.

"Don't bother with that husband of yours if you could consider him one" He said.

"Why?" I asked

"Have you not wondered why you are so tired or why you stay at home or why you don't remember something's like you do others?" He questions

Wait have I.

"Your son isn't your real son, you were never pregnant to begin with" he said.

"Then how, how did I?" I asked.

"Medication, bloating and really bad indigestion darling" he replied.


What do I do?



Why? I feel tears, Dottore licks my tears away I turn away from him slowly.

I ... I need to think on this

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