Chapter 2 scary closet

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It's the middle of the night, the birds could be heard singing their nightly songs.

I lay on my stomach as I watch the closet.


You maybe wondering {name} it's just a closet there's nothing in there.

And you would be right, however, I have heard sounds coming from deep within and I don't have the guts nor pride to speak to my loving husband Alhaitham mostly because he'll tease me about.

I can imagine it now.


"Husbando I'm scared of the closet" I sang.

He snickers

"What are you 4 I didn't know my wife was such a child" he snickered.

Then he could be heard laughing.
"It would be impossible for something to be in our closet especially when there are . . . Things that only we know"
Scenario end)

He'd laugh at me.
I sulk but I have to investigate but when he's not here my pride can't take it.

I huff as I look over at Alhaitham, deep asleep.
Good, now is my chance.

I slowly and carefully got up each movement I looked at him making sure he's not waking up.

Right not a movement in sight, I softly sigh, I stand up from the bed and make my way to the closet.

Treading carefully, making sure that each step doesn't cause a squeak.

I opened the door gently letting it swing open.

I sigh softly, that's when I felt arms wrap around me.

I struggled to get away as I screamed with fright.

"Calm down darling what's the matter?"

Oh it's just Alhaitham.
I calm down as I turn around to face him.

"What are you doing at 3 in the morning?" He asked.

"Checking out the closet" I answered.

"Why" his voice muffled into my shoulder.

"Just because" I replied.

"You're scared?" He assumed.

I move away from as I stomp my foot onto the floor.

"Absolutely not!?" I shouted.

He chuckled "you're not subtle darling"

I huff as I cross my arms against my chest.

"Let's get some sleep and we can discuss it in the morning" Alhaitham mumbled.

We both got to bed.

We are sat at the table eating breakfast until Alhaitham brought up about last time.

"So mind telling me about last night" He questioned.

"Look I heard weird things in that closet, so I thought I should investigate it is all" I replied with shame.

"I thought I was just hallucinating but I'm glad that I'm not the only one that heard it" He replied.

We look at each other then nod so we decide to go and investigate together.

So we went to the closet.

We searched for hours yet we found nothing.
Until we heard a squeak.

A mouse appeared out of no where, I jump onto Alhaitham and scream "Get that thing away from meeeee"

He sighed "It's just a mouse, nothing dangerous"

He grabbed the mouse by the tail then went to our bedroom window and threw it out.

I sigh in relief as I get off of him.

"I didn't know you had a fear of mice?" He said.

"You didn't ask" I fired back at him.

I heard him mumble "fair enough".

I shrug then a sudden thought came to mind "What do you think about having a baby?"

Alhaitham started to cough.

"Where on earth did you get that from?"

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