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The book is called the adventure of a life time if you like it take a read!

Y/n looks around, not knowing what to do. She is surrounded by people she does not know, nor does she know the species of many.

She's seen. Dwarves and other elves however she has seen small, big green creatures as well as beast men and women.

She can't understand the language. Within her many hundred years of living and reading, she hasn't met a language like this. It sounded a mixture of old orc and another language she doesn't recognise.

What do I do? I look around as I begin to walk past many crowded streets of the city, I knew coming here with maya was a bad idea! I sigh through my nose as I walk across the bridge. The sound of my heeled boots clicked against the stone bridge like horses on the cobble road.

I look over the fence that is preventing me from falling to my death over the bridge and into a dark abyss that never ends. I sigh as I open my satchel  to get my map so I can get my grounding.

AND it's written in another language. Great! Just great!
That's when I felt a tug my dark lavender skirt, I looked down to see a beast child, I crouch down to their level.

"Hello, can I help you?" I ask the child gently, I look around quickly to see if there's any sign of a parent or carer to come get them.
"I-I'm lost!" He cries I hesitate for a moment before pulling them to my chest and hugging them. The boy wraps his hands around my neck as I pick him up.

I walk around with the boy in my arms, I continue to ask if he recognises any building or landmarks until he smiles as the castle. I look over to two guards standing straight with sharpened swords in hand, standing in between their feet.
I look over at the boy who nods, and I put him down.

When I put him down, he runs over to the guards who let him. Before the boy leaves fully, he comes running back to me a dragon lily in hand.
"For you miss, thank you for helping me find my way home!" He thanks handing me the flower before heading back in, turning around while waving goodbye.

I wave back then turn around to see the streets busier than ever, I sigh as I run my hands through my bright white hair.

"Why do I have rotten luck?" I say to myself before jumping at the large hand that rested on my shoulder.
"Why are you talking to yourself?" A deep voice asked. I looked up to see a tall man with black stubble on his chin, the dirty horns that rested on his head, his eyes green with slits.

"Why not? Are you going to arrest me?"  I asked, looking at him with curiosity and anxiety. He chuckles as he shakes his head, taking the hand off my shoulder.
"No, but others may think you're crazy, and I'm pretty sure you don't want that seeing as you're lost," he answers with a teasing smile.

I frown. "How do you know?" I question, squinting my eyes at him with my hands on my hips. "Because your eyes hold frustration, and your body is tense if you were a citizen. You be relaxed while talking to the locals," he says, looking down at me.

I sigh and nod. That's understandable. I didn't think about my body language, which makes me think if I'm easy to read

"I can help you just for a small price," he offered his hand to me, as if silently asking me to take it. I look at his marked and scarred hand, then back at him as I raise a brow.

"What kind of price?" I quizzed hesitantly, looking at his face trying to figure out what he wants.

"Companionship, you have to take me everywhere you go," he smiled as he tilted his head as he looked at his hand, then back at me, I sigh as I take his hand, he grasps my hand then takes me to the market square, which makes blink a few minutes before realising what's happening.

I jog to catch up with his pace, I look around to see the many stalls. You can always tell which ones are popular with the locals and which ones are not due to the tourists picking out the popular ones.

"Do you live here?" I asked, looking up. He shakes his head,"My home has been long gone." I look at him with confusion, and then I turn to look at the food stalls.
What does he mean by long gone? As in destroyed? Taken over or the environment took over its land or was it war?

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