Jobs and surprises

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While I looked around, Collei offered to babysit.

Until I saw Lumine talking to someone,I ignore her.

I hold a book tighnari has made for me so I can study the plants around the village, he said "So you don't poison yourself like an idiot".

I agree with his reasoning but did he have to call me an idiot, I sigh when I spot a mushroom, I open the book and study it.

That's when I heard footsteps come towards.

"{Name} it's been a while huh?" lumine said as she scratched her head.

"yea, sure" to be honest I can't be bothered with her at the moment.

I feel like she has something to do with Alhaitham's strange behaviour but, if I want to presume things I have to think things through and gather evidence.
"have I done something to upset you {name}?" She asked tilting he head.

I ignore her and I go off to find other plants to study.

"I can help you with that" she stated.
I sigh and shake my head "no thank you, now leave me be I'm busy"
I heard a huff before walking off, where's the annoying floating child that's always with her.

From what I've heard she's probably eating at a tavern or possibly sleeping with another.

I sigh and make my to Tighnari.

After a few hours Lumine came back.

"Can I help you?" I asked as I stroked my son's head as he slept.

"I have a commission to bring you back to the city with your" She fakes smiles and tries not to sneer "your child".

I chuckle "Let me guess Alhaitham went to make a commission?"

She nods.

"Fu- the guy has a nerve to get someone to get us yet he doesn't have the balls to come here himself?" I sneered.

I sigh and turn back to Kah "If he wants us tell him he can come back himself and explain me to why I should come back"

She huffed "Alright, well I'm off see ya!" Lumine waved goodbye before running.

I turn back to my child before standing up.

"He won't leave you alone" Tighnari said out the blue.

I jumped before turning to see him.

"You scared me there tighnari!" I chuckle.

"I can't imagine being in your situation" He stated.

I nod "it's complicated, I wish it wasn't I don't want this for our son, he doesn't deserve this" I sighed and shake my head, I put my hand on my forehead.

He pat's my head "Let things run it's course you'll find out the truth eventually, running from it is going to make things work" he advised.

I nod "I get it however I can't help but run in fear, talking to him wasn't doing anything and I just ran in fear I guess, not the best idea but" I sighed looking at you as I sit on the bed as I stroke the child's cheek, he mumbles and turned around.

I look down and put my head in my hands "Oh archons what have I done" my voice cracks my eyes begin to water.

He sighed

"I thought I was doing the right thing for my child but, I think I made a worse decision" I spoke into my hands.

"I don't understand your situation but the reasons for your choices are obvious, I can understand the reasons" Tighnari softly said.

I sigh.

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