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Nothing feels right, since we've got back things just don't feel right.

Like somethings missing.

Yet I can't put my finger on it.

I sigh, I might as well wait, after all good things come to those who wait.

I walk into the kitchen looking around, the cupboards are different there was a small chip at the corner.

With the amount of time we were in Liyue they couldn't have been replaced so quickly.

Are we in a different house?

Then I heard the door open, I saw Alhaitham quickly take off his shoes, I go back into the kitchen as if I was planning for tea.

I felt his arms wrap around me as he shoved his head into my shoulder.

I can't help but tense up.

Why am I so tense?

He's my husband I have no reason to be tense, he's done nothing wrong.
I pay his head.

"What do you want to eat for tea?" I asked.

He hums

"I'll eat anything you eat" he said.

"Did the cupboards get fixed?" I question.

He looks at me with confusion and something else.

" There's nothing to fix so why do you think such things?" He answers.

I sigh I nod "you're right sorry for being so presumptuous" I said.

I runs my head "it's ok not everyone is as DUMB as you" he mutters.

"w.what?" I stuttered.

"Nothing darling" He replied.

I bite my lip looking out the window.

Remember things are still being fixed it could be a bug.

I hum as I think, he refuses to move however he tightens his grip.

"Promise you'll stay forever" He whispers.

"I'm unable to live forever" I said.

"Not yet" he mumbles into my shoulder.


He shakes his head then let's me go so he goes to the cooker "I managed to find some better cooking equipment for you, after all I love your cooking" he stated.

I nod "Thank you, I will plan something for you how about Almond tofu, I was recommended it by Zhongli" I said.

He nods as he removes himself from the kitchen.

Maybe I'm being paranoid after the incident I sigh I need to calm down and think things through everything is ok.

I start cooking, the birds could be heard chirping.

I sigh, am I easy?

What the hell, what am I thinking?

Once it was done I placed the food onto the plate.

"Tea is done" I shouted.

I heard his footsteps then see him leaning into the kitchen to smell freshly cooked food.

He smiles and kisses me on the forehead as he picks up the plate.

We are sitting at the table eating in silence, usually we talk or we talked, what makes this so different.

Perhaps there's nothing to talk about.

"How was your day?" I asked taking a sip of water.

"Great, I got to see you" he answers leaning his head on his hand watching me eat.

"Do you want to try something during sex?" He asks.

I start checking on my food, taking gulps of water clearing my throat.

"What is it?" I asked awkwardly.

"Would you like to attempt sadism and masochism?" He offered

"What is that?" I question.

"My darling wife, my innocent darling wife" he patronised.

I grit my teeth, what changed?

The wife of Alhaitham Where stories live. Discover now