Chapter 13 Morax

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I'm lying down on the settee with a cold rag on my head.

I'm hot and bored until I heard a loud knock.

"Come in" I yelled from the settee.

It was Lumine, Paimon and
Another stranger he was fairly tall, golden eyes and brown hair with blonde tips at the end of his hair.

He is well dressed and he smelled of gems.

"Hey {name} how are you?" Lumine asked.

"I'm good although I'm bored" I answered.

I sigh as Paimon looked at me amused and so does the stranger.

I look up at him making eye contact.

"Who is this?" I ask.

Lumine looks at the stranger "This is mister Zhongli" Paimon announced.

I nod in acknowledgement.

"He is from liuye" Lumine added.

I remove the clothe from my head and tried to get up which I struggle until Zhongli helped me sit up.

"Thank you" I thanked.

"You're very welcome" he replied.

Oh wow he has a voice I can fall asleep to.

He sits beside then lumine sits on the other side.

"So how come you guys are here?" I ask.

"We justed wanted to visit but we also had a commission in sumeru and Zhongli wanted to join" Paimon answered.

I nod in acknowledgement, I stare outside.

"Do you know what's going on with Alhaitham recently he's been acting weird" I asked worriedly.

Lumine and Paimon look at each other then back at me.

"What?" I questioned.

I tilt my head.

"We've seen him with a blonde man" They replied.

"Aah got ya" I commented.

Now it's their turn to be confused.

"That's his old roommate, I was wondering why we had an extra pair of keys" I muttered as I place my hand under my chin.

I hum, I get up slowly as I went to the kitchen which Zhongli followed me.

"Would you guys like some tea?" I asked.

"Please if you don't mind" answered Zhongli answered while Paimon and Lumine also agreed.

I hum as I place the kettle onto the burner.

I place the ingredients into four cups which had nature designs of each season.

I hum as I tap the counter.

"How long have you been living in sumeru then" Zhongli questions tilting his head.

"About 8 years now" I answered.

"I originally lives in Mondstadt however obviously the guards don't help to keep people successfully and I feel like people have been given too much lee way" I said.

He nods his head "How is your marriage?"

"Very well" I replied.

"However?" He commented.

"Nothing, I get worries that every couple get" I stated.

The kettle started to whistle.

So I put the hot water into the cup then I place the kettle back on the burner and I stirred the tea once done I put the spoon into the sink and I grabbed the cups my the handles and went to the living room.

I place them down onto the coffee table, I turn my head to look at the others.

"Tea is made would you like some cake or biscuits or something surgery?" I ask.

"No thank you this is enough" They answered.

I smile and chuckle, I slowly sit down onto the settee.

"I'm happy and thankful that you come visit me from time to time" I thanked.

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