Chapter 3 Traveller

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I was wiping down the table when I heard the door slam open.

"Traveller I have a wife, I do not appreciate the actions you are conducting with me!" He shouted.

What the F is going on?

I walk through the kitchen to where Alhaitham is.
I see Alhaitham and a blonde teenager arguing.
Wait is that a flying child?

Am I high?

"What's going on?" I ask.

"This traveller here wishes to love me romantically" He says.

I hum.

"Who is this Alhaitham?" The flying child asked.

"I'm his wife" I answer for him.

"Oooh Alhaitham why didn't you tell us!?" She screeched.

I cover my ears what an irritating voice.

I sigh as I uncover my ears.

"Shall we continue talking in the living room" I recommended.

Everyone agreed so we went to the living room to see it's.

. . .


I'm so irritated by this.

So we sit down were we could and I observe the traveller.

Perhaps her hormones are all over the place.

I mean I used to have a crush on an older man.
So, I'm not going to be angry with her, what would that do.

"What's your name young one" I asked the young lady.

"Lumine, I am looking for my brother aether" She replied.

"What does your brother look like?" I asked.

"We are twins so he looks like me but with braids" She replied with sadness dripping from her voice.

"My apologies but I haven't" I apologize.

This young lady has travelled all the way here to summery to look for her brother.
I couldn't imagine how emotionally exhausted she is.

"I see thank you anyways" Lumine muttered.

"How long have you and Alhaitham been married?" The child asked.

"2 years I do believe" I answered.

Alhaitham nodded in agreement.

"Our anniversary is coming up soon" He added.

"Ah so it is, we should plan for it" I stated.

He hummed in agreement.

"Apologies for earlier it's just I don't often see a man that is so smart and handsome" Lumine apologies.

"It's ok, try tighnari, I'm pretty sure he's single have you met him" I asked.

She nods, I wink at her.

After an hour or so Lumine and Paimon left to do their daily commissions.

I smile at Alhaitham.

"Darling" I strained.

"Yes love" He mumbled.

I stand up and walk over to him with my arms crossed.

"What have I told you about your book hording and leaving it in the living room?" I sternly asked.

He sighs as he starts to clean up, and putting them into smaller piles.

"Whatever, you don't need or you aren't reading, return them or give them to people who will take care of them and read them" I mumbled.

I hum as I make way to the kitchen, I grabbed a variety of fruit and veg, I turn on the tap that has cold water and I was the fruit and veg individually.

I grab a chopping board placing it down on the counter.

I look into the top drawer beside me, I take the fruit knife from the organised drawer.

I close it, then I start to cut the fruit and veg.

I felt arms wrap around me, while a head rests on my shoulder.
I sigh in content as I place the knife down and place my hands on his arms while I lean into him.

"Do you want children?" I ask.

"I don't see why not, I just hope my research doesn't get in the way" he replied.

"I'm asking because I want to try for a baby" I stated.

He hummed as he started to rub my stomach.

"But Lumine was adorable though" I commented.

He huffed.

"Lucky for me that those titties are for meeee" I sang.

"And that ass is only for me" He stated.

We both chuckle as I turn around and hug him which he held me closer.

"I love" He whispered.

"I love you too" I whispered back as he leaned down and kissed me on the lips.

The wife of Alhaitham Where stories live. Discover now