Chapter 10 Colour

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Me and Alhaitham are trying to decide which colour we want to paint the room.

"What about a neutral colour like green or yellow, purple?" I question.

"What about a royal blue?" Alhaitham asks as he puts his hands on his hips.

"Too dark" I replied.

I put my hands on my hips as well, I tilt my head as I hum.

"What about a sunrise orange?" I ask.

"Do you know a place that has that colour?" Alhaitham argued.

I groan "Good question I don't know?".

What colour do we like that will we can get but we both like.

"What about a grey?" I ask.

"I think that will do, a light grey" he replied.

I nod to his idea.

I have to agree with that statement.

"Do you know where we would get grey paint?" I ask as I look over at him as he looks through the window.

"Seems like I'm going to have to look and ask around to find out" Alhaitham stated while putting a hand through his hair.

"Do you want me to come with you?" I ask as I walk over to you.

He shakes his head, turning to face me as he wraps his hands over my waist and resting his chin on top my head.

"No you should stay here, I don't want you to go out at the moment, there are some . . . Things going on" he said.

I sigh "Alright fair enough just be safe and come home to me in one piece alright?" I muttered.

He smiles gently as he releases me then kisses me on the forehead.

"Of course love, I would never and I mean NEVER leave you even if I wanted to I would come back" he replied.

I smile I then smack his butt "alright off you go then handsome" I commented.

He chuckled then kisses me on the lips, he then goes downstairs to leave.

I sigh I size up the room, it's big enough to be a play room as well.

I rub my stomach as I look down it.

"I wonder what you're going to be like little one, I hope you are healthy when you come out" I mutter to my stomach.

I can already see it, it's decorated as our child is sat on Alhaitham's lap as he reads loudly to them.

Archons please I beg you, I beg please let me baby live a good and peaceful life when they are born to the day they die.

Have mercy on us.

It's been a few hours since Alhaitham has been gone, I hope he's safe.

Another few hours went, I bite my lip, the sun is going down at this point.

That's when I heard the door open.

"I'm home" Alhaitham sighs.

I run over to him and hug him, he hugs back tighter.

"What took you so long?" I question.

"Sumeru had no grey paint so I had to wait in a line to put in a commission, it appears that today is a popular day for commission" he replied.

I hum as I push my face into his plump chest.

"I missed you I thought that something had happened to you, you jerk!" I yelled, tears were going down my face.

He sighs and mutters "I know, I know" he pat's my back.

"Please don't cry" He whispered into my ear.

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