Alhaitham's route

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I woke up in bed to see Alhaitham, sat in a chair with his hands on his head.

Once he notices I'm awake he rushed over.

"Darling are you ok, how are you feeling?" He asked as he sat on the bed holding my hands

"I'm ok, I feel weird but I'm fine just a headache" I replied.

He nods his head then looks at the door and gets up

"I'm justing going to go get a doctor I'll be right back, I promise" he said before going out.

I sigh as I sit looking around the room .

The sealing was a creamy colour although it was fading with time, the wallpaper has been peeled off in corners showing the original grey colours of the walls.

I sigh looking down at my hands, I can't remember anything?
Is that a good thing or perhaps not.

I can't remember what happened no matter how hard I try.

"I hope everything is alright, but what about our holiday?" I mutter to myself I look out the unclean window to find dark clouds heading this way, what a holiday.

I smile until I heard two sets of footsteps heading this way I look over to the door to see Childe and Zhongli.

"I heard what happened are you ok lady {name}?" Zhongli asked.

I shrug not knowing what to say, that's when I heard Childe sigh "We came across Alhaitham on our walk, he asked us for help" Childe stated.

I nod "How's your head?" Childe asked point to the side of his head.

I place my hand to the place he was pointing to feel bandages "oh it's ok, I didn't even notice till you pointed it out' I replied.

Zhongli hummed as he sat down on the chair that sat beside the window.

"So where is your beloved husband anyways?" They both asked.

"He's gone to get the doctor" I answered

"While you're waiting perhaps you would like to hear a story?" Zhongli kindly asked I nodded while Childe sat on the other side of the bed next to me.

While Zhongli kept talking I can't help but let my mind wonder, what is taking Alhaitham so long,is there a line, are the doctors far away?

There could be endless of possibilities but I can't help but feel quite strange but I can't put my finger on it.

I sigh then Alhaitham came in with Lumine and another blonde woman, she was fairly small.

"My name is Barbara, I was with traveller when I heard what happened, however I'm here to help you" She said.

I nod my head, she proceeded to check the bandages around my even asking me if I felt any pain which I denied.

I saw Alhaitham glaring at Childe and Zhongli.

They came to check up on me, they aren't a threat so why?

I look at Lumine as she looked over at Alhaitham, Childe and Zhongli, she claims it would be inappropriate yet she gives them the lustful look.

How old is she? Perhaps her appearance is miss leading however if this goes on with my husband I will have to put her in her place.

"All done for now, just be careful, I would advise that you go home as soon as possible and that in a few hours take the bandage off if there's no bleeding since it will need air to it.

I nod as Lumine whispered something to Alhaitham.

I look at them confused so I looked over at Childe and Zhongli they both glared at Lumine.

Why would they do that what's going on here?

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