A visit

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I talked to the cook about the different recipes while Dottore talked business to his co-workers, I nodded along to what the chief was saying.

"I need to go to the bathroom, may I go?" I ask loud enough for Dottore to hear.

"Go ahead, my love," he smiles as he goes back to talking.

I sighed as I headed to the bathroom until I felt a hand on my wrist, which pulled me to the side, I looked up to see.

My breath hitched as my eyes widen

... "Alhaitham," I mutter as my eyes begin to cry. He smiles softly as he pulls me into a loving embrace.

"I've missed you," he grumbled as he put his face in my hair.

I kissed his lips, which he gladly kissed back. It was soft and gentle.

"I missed you so much ... but what are you doing here?" I questioned my voice, nothing but a whisper.

"I came to hide from Lumine. She seems off," he answers nonetheless he carries on."I can take you now if you trust me," he said.

"But what about Dottore? Won't he go hunting for me?" I asked with worry.

I can't help but think of what might happen if he does go searching for me.

"Lumine is on a quest to defeat him, so please," he sounded desperate.

I nod. "OK, lead the way." he takes my hand as he leads me down further into the hallway. There's cobwebs and dustmites everywhere, so I can only presume that this hallway is barely ever used.

I bite my lip as I grip tighter onto Alhaitham's hand, which he returned with a soft reassuring squeeze.

"What's wrong, love?" He asked as we went through the back door.

"I need to tell you something," say hesitantly.

He nods. Once we got to safety, we sat down on the pavement.

"Dottore .... me, we" I stutter, I take a deep breath "back when I thought there was no hope, he fucked me and I elt him, I know I cheated and and" he placed his hand over my mouth.

"I get it, but I'm deeply hurt that you thought I wouldn't come for you," he said as he looked I to my eyes.

"I, I just after everything, I just thought, that, you, and traveller evern dottore I just, thank you for everything, I'm sorry for everything, I know I'm a terrible wife, I shouldn't have cheated, I have no right to cry and if you want a divorce you can" I pant.

He sighed as he gave me a side hug "Look, yes you cheated but due to the situation, and how emotional, desperate or whatever, emotions can get tense whi h makes you open to manipulation, who said we are getting a divorce, yes you messed up but if we can't work through this then it pains me to think of such an option" he argued.

"So let's get through this," he smiled as he kissed my forehead.

"Can we go home?" I asked.

He shook his head. "I'm looking at the different places we can move to, kaveh said he can look into a detailed build for us."

I sigh in relief as I rest my head on his shoulder he pats my waist while he opens his book to pass the time.

"I'm really sorry, my husband, like really sorry, I" I keep repeating my sorry like a market seller shouting their goods.

Alhaitham says nothing, although he does pat my head before putting his book down, and then he grabbed my wrist and then pulled me down on top of him.
He grabs my thighs, spreading them over his lap so that I'm sitting on his lap.

He grabs his book as he begins to reread the chapter while he has his other arm wrapped around my waist.

"If I didn't love or care about you, I wouldn't touch like this now, would I? Am I upset about you sleeping with the enemy... yes am I passed off that you didn't trust me to save you, most definitely, however. I see your regret and revulsion when you talk about sleeping with him, so I want to remind you how much I love you and how much I missed..." he pauses before he goes next to my right ear and whispers,"How much I missed touching your skin, having your taste on my tongue"

I bite my lip and look away, how embarrassing.

The wife of Alhaitham Where stories live. Discover now