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"Dottore, I want to learn basic self defence" I stated while looking outside watching the birds fly.

"Why would you want that?" He asked while watching the mysterious liquids swirl in the sealed vile

"Because I don't want to be put in a situation were I'm defenceless and the next time I could end up dead" I replied looking over at him.

"Well then I'd get to experiment on your corpse however I do want you to be defenceless I want you to come running to me" he stated putting the vile down and into his pocket.

"I mean who else would be my entertainment but you darling" he said with a sadistic smirk.

Evil bastard.

I sigh through my nose and I look back out the window, the clouds are becoming grey what a sad day today.
I mean who would be happy in this situation and with their ex especially. Could it get any worse for me?

I want to get out of this place but knowing after the last time it will be near impossible.

"Dottore ... What happened to Alhaitham to make him act this way?" I asked turning to look at him, he smirked at me.

"I'm afraid even I don't know that answer, however even I am intrigued to know" He chuckled.

I huff , of course. I should have known he wouldn't know.
"Do you remember your origins {name}? Or perhaps you still need support in remembering?" He asked with a sinister grin.

I gulp and shake my head "my ... Origins?"

He nods but he leaves it be, I sigh hoping he would carry on but obviously I'm not that lucky and he's finding this amusing.

Asshole, watching me suffer and question my whole life, was it real? Was it fake?

I need to think, what's the realistic possibility of events that could have taken place that has led up to this?

I hum, once I've woken to reality Dottore is gone, what does he need for, why have I been brought here? Is this part of a plan?

I then see a man with ginger hair... What was his name again?

"{Name} what are you doing here?" He asked while crossing his arms.

"I'm trying to figure that out" I hummed as I look outside the window.

Ginger observed me, I can feel his piercing gaze on me.
What is he trying to do?
Just what is he looking for?

"I thought you would be with traveller Childe" I hummed before walking over to him.

He chuckled as he scratched the back of his neck "Yea, I guess you would think that however I have more important things to do"

I nod acknowledging him, I can't help but feel somber about the whole situation I'm in, I don't know if I want to laugh or cry about it.

I can feel Childe staring at me, I sit down on a wooden chair, I put my legs to my chest as I watch the birds and the soldiers that patrol. I don't want his pity.

I don't want any pity none at all, I will get out of here. I felt a hand on my head, I look up to see Childe looking out the window while he gives me a side hug.
Is this him trying to comfort me? I suppose anyone in my position would want some kind of comfort, god knows what could or can happen after all.

Dottore is unpredictable so maybe I'm some kind of experiment for him to try or am I a hostage or captive perhaps?

I need to stop over thinking I'm just going to stress myself more.

Take a deep breath {name} deep breaths.

[Hi, just to let you know I have got a new book out which is the back story to this so that means you get to find out what happened before setting down with Alhaitham (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧ It's called Adventures to Teyvat or look through my profile and you'll see it there]

The wife of Alhaitham Where stories live. Discover now