Chapter 14: Arguement

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"I have noticed that ever since I've had Kahva you have been out and going out more often" I started.

"Because the Academia need me" Alhaitham said.

I look at him with confusion.

"So do we, I, I don't understand because you don't ever tell me" I replied loudly.

"Because you don't need to know!" He argued.

"Oh you mean how I asked one of your colleagues at the academia and they said they haven't seen you for the last month!" I raised my voice.

I get up and pace back and fourth.

"Are you going to say anything!?" I exclaimed.

"I have nothing to say to you! You are trying to start an argument" he claimed.

He gets up and walks to the window he is silent for now.

"I'm not, I want answers I can't seem to fathom where or who you are meeting I can't help but presume you're cheating or doing something suspicious" I yelled.

"Oh really, like you're one to talk, the traveller has been bringing men of your taste into this house" he raised his voice.

"Hey we're doing commissions and visiting, you think I would, I would cheat on you, I have always told you, where I was going or who was here to visit!?" I shouted.

I'm sooo angry I understand that this relies on trust but how can I trust him if he doesn't talk to me yet I have to tell him where I go or who comes in.

What is he sooo afraid of.

"That's different?!" He exclaimed.

"How is it different?" I asked out of breath.

I walk over to him looking up at his making.

"Because it just is" He said.

I look at him with confusion.

"No, actually explain to me??" I sneered.

He sighs as he walks away, I groan and follow him.

"His that why I found you kissing that blonde haired man WHICH you told me you guys were old roommates and friends?" I stated.

He paused and then around.

"That wasn't me!" He exclaimed.

"It was unless you were cloned!" I laughed.

He looks me dead in the eyes walking up to me.

"I" He was about to speak until we heard a cry coming from their room.

"Looks like kahva has woken up" I stated then I went up stairs leaving the conversation as it was.

I need to take a minute to breath, why would he be so worried I if he had told me I would have been ok and we could have talked about the solution to this.

I sigh as I saw my baby boy crying, I pick him up and shush until he fell back asleep then I put him back in his crib.

I go back downstairs to see Alhaitham sat on the settee his head in his hands.

I put my hand on the back of his head.

"I just want an explanation" I whispered, my voice cracking as I spoke.

"I know" he mumbled.

We both sigh he looks back at me.

"I don't know where to begin or how to explain what's going on but I can let you know, this is the academia's doing" He said.

I sit down next to him putting my head on his shoulder, he wraps his arm around my waist.

"I'm sorry" I said.

"I also apologize, it's not your fault for not knowing" He replied.

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