Chapter 9

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After I suited up, I took a jet to London, where Tony stark, james Barnes, and Steve rogers were
When I arrived I tracked Starks suit which I just had on my phone, they were underground in a base for whatever mission they were on
I decided not to attack yet, instead I would when they left for their mission
It was relatively early in the morning which explains why they hadn't left yet, but when they did I followed them on my motorcycle
They went to some downtown area and so did some hydra agents, they saw me and acted as a distraction
When stark was tossed to the side I stepped in and tossed rogers to the side leaving Barnes all to me
"Yn?!" Barnes questioned
I didn't respond, instead I dragged him towards me with my powers until I was blasted with starks beam, he got me good and shot me into a building
"What the hell tony?!?" Barnes yells
"That's not yn" stark told him off
I stood up and threw stark at the hydra agents, knocking a few of them down too
Rogers threw his shield at my feet, knocking me down again but getting back up, wasting no time
"Yn! Just stop for a second, okay?" Barnes pleads
"You want me right?" He asks and I nod
"So take me" he puts his hands up and carefully steps towards me
I knock him unconscious with my powers and bring him back to my bike then ride to the jet
Without me noticing, Barnes woke up and put me in a chokehold until I passed out, I assume he flew the jet in my absence
He tied me up and strapped me to the seat, "buck?" I used yn to emotionally trick him
His head snapped back to look at me, "yn?" He asked and stood up to walk towards me
"Why am I tied up?" I stifle a sob, since the experiments he has gotten weak
"I'm sorry, hydra got you" he wouldn't get closer than a few feet from me
"Untie me" I ask
"I know you aren't yn"
Fuck I blew it, "how?" The Russian a accent I was masking comes out
"Yn only says buck when she's hurt"
"Well stark shot me into a building, I'm a little hurt"
"And that"
"Stark, yn calls him tony"
"Okay we'll where are you taking us"
"The compound"
In yn's memories there is an avengers compound where a lot of them live, I didn't want to go there so I used my powers to shut down the plain, sending the power and electricity into me
We start to drop quite quickly, so I try to free myself but Barnes tied me up in a rubber rope
Barnes realizes he needs me to make it out alive so he unties me and I fly us back to another hanger hydra showed me incase I needed it
"Yn if you give up and let me go I will bring you back" he attempts to bargain
I didn't like his answer so I throw him into the jet with my telekinesis
Unknowingly stark and rogers were following us and just as I throw Barnes I get thrown aswell, again by starks beam
I land flat on my back, it knocked the wind out of me and I could only lay there
Barnes holds me at gunpoint while Steve cuffs me and we get into their jet, I'm still coughing trying to get air
Rogers made the mistake of metal cuffs, i channel electricity through them until they broke, sadly it was pretty loud but they knew if they touched me they would end up like the handcuffs
I opened the door to the jet realizing I couldn't make it back with Barnes so I jumped
I heard them screaming for me but only Tony jumped out to attempt my capture but failed
I landed and flew my jet back with a hydra soldier greeting me
"You've come back empty handed" he said
"Atleast I came back" I responded
"You know your punishment"
He put a collar on me to prevent me from using my powers and he escorted me to the chair
They tortured me for what seemed like months every time I let Barnes slip through my fingers or didn't massacre enough people
I was there for a year and a half, I got out when I went on one certain mission, the mission to kill James Barnes
I broke into his house, it seemed familiar, like I had been there before, I looked around to admire the house when a dog ran up to me
The dog was happy to see me, it's collar read 'Zoey' she was a medium sized Doberman
Barnes came through the back door, not expecting me, I shot him in the leg
He didn't go down, he just tried to plead with me
"Yn I know you're in there and I know what you want right now"
"Then what do I want" I keep the gun trained on him
"You want me dead, you've let me escape every time but they told you they'd rather have me dead this time"
"You don't want to kill me, that's why you shot me in the leg and not the heart"
"I-" I realize he's right
He steps towards me and gently takes the gun from my hand, "yn, please, I miss you"
My vision shatters and I fall to the ground unconscious


   Yn was gone for almost two years, I only saw her 6 ish times during that
   I've moved into her house in that time, she told me I could before when we talked about marraige
   She shot me in the leg because deep down she knew she cared about me
   I sat by her side for two days waiting for her to wake up, I also had her tied up just in case, I took all her guns and metal stuff off her
   I had fallen asleep on the side of the bed next to her with my head buried in my arms
   "Hm..." I hear yn mumble
   I snap my head up and see yn move her head slightly "hey"
   "Ow" she mumbles
   "Whats wrong?"
   I untie her wrists and set her arms next to her, and hold her hand
   She opens her eyes slightly acts squeezes my hand
She smiles when she sees me and seeing her smile almost brings me to happy tears, I missed her so much
"Bucky" her eyes glow, "I missed you"
Her smile is so refreshing and contagious I smile too, "you have no idea yn" I lean over to hug her
I hear a soft sob from yn, "I was so scared Bucky I didn't think I could escape"
"I was scared too, I was terrified"

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