Chapter 28

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   Tony set up traps that Sage could only stay in for 3 seconds
Sage teleported from one to the other, making sure not to let the 3 second timer run out
She got through 7 before she was tired and teleported next to Tony and I
She sat on the floor and drank some water, "your fastest is .84 seconds" Tony says
"Pretty fast for a 6-year old" I joke
"Your turn kiddo" Tony says to me
I move my hand into the air and move it in a circle and the ground starts to move in waves and Tony and Sage hold onto something
The floor starts to turn to a wall and the walls start to multiply
Sage gags so I stop and she passes out, I walk over and help her awake
"I hate you" she says and smiles at me
"I hate you too" we laugh
"You 2 have really improved from last time, has your mother been helping?" Tony asks
"Sadly she wants us to be able to control our powers" I say
Sage and I go into our rooms and change out of our practice suits and into the dresses our mom got us for our trip to her country
My mom got sage a lilac purple flowy dress and me a teal blue flowy dress
Sages hair was in a half up, half down bun, I had a loose braid
Our mom and dad picked us up from the tower and we drove to our airport
The four of us took a jet, half way across the world
Mom walked out first, a loud wave of clapping echoes into the plane
My dad walking out next, another wave of clapping
Me next, but instead of clapping, I wave of gasps echoes in the port
Sage last, starting waves of whispering and gasps, it was her hair and eyes
My mother walked elegantly on the runway into the airport
My dad walking in a way to protect my mother at any moment if needed
Sage and I walking next to each other, keeping our shoulders set and our heads high
A limo waited for us, a man waiting at the door to help us in
The four of us get into the car, "Jesus you do this a lot?" I ask my mother
"Not usually" she says gripping my dads hand
"You do it well" Sage says and crosses her legs
"Thank you dear" my mothers voice sounds worried
"You girls are doing good" our dad says to us
We pull up to the palace which is massive and we walk on a real red carpet into the entrance of it
"Why are we here?" I ask my mom on our way into the palace
"Do not speak while you walk my dear" my mom says elegantly
I stop talking and continue walking into the place
My mom walks me into a room privately, "listen darling, mama has to prepare for something that is going to happen, and I need your help"
"What is it"
"Mama is gonna disappear for awhile, not yet, but I will"
"Why?" I start to worry
"My power is starting to overcome me"
"I need you to tell your sister after about a year and dad will find out on his own"
"Are you gonna die?"
"I hope not" my mother returns to her elegant self and leaves the room, gesturing for me to follow her
I follow her and she shows us our rooms for the month
Our rooms are all fairly close to each other just in case of an emergency
My room had a munch of different things like painting stuff, workout stuff, music stuff, etc...


The girls got settled into their rooms and I left to go take care of queenly duties
The first thing I do is meet the president for when I'm gone
The presidents name was lilac slomia, "hello" I hold out my hand for her to shake it
"Hello I'm lilac slomia" she shakes my hand
We sit down in a meeting with the court and I start making plans for my disappearance
"We need to build walls, along every border in this country" I say
"Why must we need to?" One of the court members ask
"So no one can leave and no one can enter" I say
"Why do you need that my queen" lilac asks
"We cannot be seen by the public eye" I say
"This is insane my lady" another court member says
"We want the king!" A court member yells and bangs his fists on the table
"The king does not have enough power to over power me!" I stand
"Escort him out" I demand my guards
My guards take him out, him squirming to get free
"Does anyone else want the king?" I ask calmly
Everyone boes their heads to me in a way of respect towards me
"My lady this is under a few means crazy" says a court member
"I know it sounds crazy but it is for my protection and most of you need the queen alive" they all think about their options
"All in favor?" I raise my hand
All but three people put their hands up, "why are you three against it?" I ask
"We want to see our families in other countries"
One of them says
"Hmm, well then court members, what do you propose your plan be?" I ask
"Let us come and go freely" the one sitting closest to me says
"Do you see where the problem lies with that?" I ask
"No my lady"
"No one may leave and no one may enter, leave now while you still have time" I just about end the meeting
"But our houses, our kids, everything is here" one explains
"Then move everything, you have a few years but here is your one and only warning" I state then leave to go back to Bucky and the kids
When I get to Bucky and I's room, I lock the door and see he's laying in the bed, so I climb on top of him
A big smirk creeps onto his face and I kiss his neck, I want him so bad
   His metal arm trails from my back, to my side, causing me to squirm
   His other hand squeezes my ass and he sits up, just to flip us over
   He goes under my dress, strips my panties off, and spreads my legs
   His hands squeeze both of my thighs as he softly breathes on my core, my breath starts to speed up
   I feel him as his tongue makes contact with my clit, his hands staying on my thighs
   He starts slow, just softly moving his tongue up and down
   I feel as he takes his hand off my thigh and slowly pushes it in
   I moan softly as he stays slow with his tongue but speed his hands up
   Goosebumps travel from my arms down to my legs and I get the chills
   I start to undo my corset and different parts of my dress as he continues
   Apparently I take too long getting my dress off, because Bucky undoes it himself
   He unties the back before stripping it off my body
   His hands get impatient and start to trail around my body
   I quickly start to unbutton his uniform and his belt
   He ends up taking his own clothes off along with mine
   He picks me up, and pins me agains the wall, both of us full of lust for each other
   His lips never disconnecting from mine but his hands moving around my body
   When he feels how wet i am I feel a smirk grow on his face
   "What do you think of a third" he whispers in my ear
   I know he's talking about kids, and I really do want one but the girls wouldn't like it
   "What would the girls think?" I whisper desperately in his ear
   "I think they would love a little sibling" he smiles at me
   He sees my eyes glow and he knows exactly what I'm thinking
   He moves to the bed and pins me down, then teases my by trailing his kisses around my body
   My legs close out of habit but Bucky uses his metal arm to spread them again
   Bucky slips it and the kids knock at the door, "mom can we go out in town?" Sadie asks
   I look at Bucky for what I should say, "yea" he whispers
   "Yeah that's fine" I yell back to them
   We hear them walk away and smile at each other
   Bucky doesn't wait any longer, he starts to pound me
   My head rolls back as my fingernails graze the sheets when I grab it
   With every thrust, I get closer and closer, "fuck- I'm so close" I moan
   Bucky goes faster and my moans get louder, just before we both finish, me before him by a few seconds

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