Chaper 29

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   The guards gave us some of mom's fortune for some shops in town
   Sage wanted to go to the toy store, so we did and it was so pretty, it was organized, colorful, and the toys were all high quality
Sage picked out 2 toys, a cute green dinosaur, and a simple teddy bear
We checked out then walked around a bit more until we got tired, then we went home
When we walked in, we heard crashing coming from our parents room
The two of us ran into their room and see our dad holding our mom to the floor as they struggle, neither of them notice us because they keep talking
"We are going to your therapist" our dad said before our mom kicked him in the groin
Our dad flinched but kept her down, "yn listen to me"
My mom looks at him when she sees us in the corner of her eye
"Go to your rooms!" She yelled and the two of us ran off to our rooms


Yn was slipping again but didn't know it, I didn't want her in the country running it and I didn't want her around the kids, but I needed to be with them
I had one option, call Tony, Sam and Wanda to come get her while me and the kids stayed in the. Country
"Tony" I say as soon as he picks up
"What" he asked
"I need you to come to slokovia with Sam and Wanda to come get yn"
"She needs to see her therapist, Wanda can block her powers, Sam can fly, and you're her brother"
"When do we need to get her?"
"Suit up, I'll call Sam and Wanda to meet you at the tower"
We hang up and I call Sam and Wanda, I tell them the same
The three of them show up not long after and come into the castle
"Buck?!" Sam yells
"Only Steve can call me that" I walk down the stairs
"Where is she" Wanda asks
"Upstairs" I gesture for them to follow me
We walk into our room and see yn sitting on the side of the bed, facing away from the door
"Hey" Tony walks over to yn and she throws him into the wall
Wanda bounds yn's hands with her powers and they walk out
"Sam" I say
"Yeah?" He asks
"Call me when you know her diagnosis" I tell him
"I will" the three walk out


We did as Bucky asked and took her to her therapist
I stayed with Tony and Sam in the waiting room while she had her session
"Do you think it's insanity?" I ask the two of them
"Insanity?!" Tony freaks out
"Tony calm down" I say
"You think my sister is insane?!"
"Tony calm down dude" Sam says
"You just called my sister insane, why would I calm down"
Tony stands up and starts to pace, "Tony sit down and shut up" I stand up infront of him
He sits down, and so do I, and after that we just sit in silence
She comes out an hour after and hands Sam a piece of paper
In yn's other hand, she holds a pill bottle, I look at the paper and when I see what it says, I cover my mouth
Sam looks at yn with a worried look, "yn..." he starts
Tony grabs the paper out of Sam's hand and reads it
Tony reads it and yn grabs the paper back to put in her pocket
"Yeah bipolar disorder, insanity and ptsd" yn says
Her therapist walks out of her office and hands yn more pill bottles
The therapist walks over to the three of us away from yn
"Are any of you family?" She asks
"I'm her brother" Tony says
"She has to take one of each every 12 hours, she needs them or she will end up in an asylum, the only reason she isn't in one now is because I know she has family in another country right now" she explains
"Will she be like this forever" I ask
"No, but I'm not sure how long she'll be like this" her words make us all brighten up and have hope that she'll change
"Remind her of things that made her, her" she says
We regroup with yn who has a lost look in her face
The four of us walk out and go back to the tower with yn


When we got to the tower, I walked into a room and called Bucky who picked up before the first ring
"So?" He says
"Uh- um" i stutter
"She has ptsd, bipolar disorder, and insanity"
Bucky goes quiet, "she can change" I continue but Bucky stays quiet
"How?" He asks
"Her therapist said to remind her of what makes her, her"
"Are you keeping her there with Wanda?"
"At the moment no, she's on her new meds and Tony put the bracelet on her and the vibranium gloves so she's pretty powerless if you want Tony or me to drop her off"
"Jesus, why is there so much on her"
"Wanda got tired"
"Well yes, could one of you drop her off please, with everything"
"Yeah, I'll get it"
I grab her pills and papers and we get into one of Tony's jets
On the way there I notice yn looks helpless and sad
"Do you think I'm a monster Sam?" She asks
"No, but I think one is inside of you" I say
"Are you afraid of me?"
"no one is scared of you, only the things you can do"
"I can't do anything right now Sam, are you still scared?"
"I can see into your fucking mind, quit lying to me" she starts to get mad
"Yn calm down"
"Sam you know I wouldn't hurt you" I stay quiet
"I would never hurt you, never sam"

She stayed true to those words, she never hurt me, she never hurt her kids either

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