Chapter 26

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   Yn calls me after her appointment, it sounded like she was just getting in her car
   "I'm gonna run to the tower then go get groceries then I'll be home" she says in a hurry
   "For what?" I ask
   "I want to test if the girls are immortal but I don't want to hurt them and my therapist said Tony is smart and he could probably think of something"
   "Oh, um, okay, I'll see you when you get home then"
   "I love you Buck"
   "I love you too doll"
   She hangs up and I go get sage from her crib, yn said she can only have an hour long nap because she wants her to sleep at night
   It makes sense and works but waking her up sucks, she cries so loud
   It was around 5 so I made the girls Mac-n-cheese for dinner and turned on cartoons for them to watch while they ate
   They ate their dinner, then Sadie went to go shower, she was only 4 but she could reach everything in the shower and she was actually pretty smart for a 4 year old
   I cleaned sage off because she had cheese all over her
   I heard yn's car pull in the driveway and it seemed Zoey did too
   Zoey ran to the door and started scratching at it, I put sage on the floor so she could crawl around so I could let Zoey out
   Zoey ran to the drivers side of the car and when yn opened the door Zoey nearly jumped in
   "Hello little baby" yn talks in a baby voice to Zoey
   She gets out of the car, with the struggle of trying to get past Zoey, and grabs a box out of her backseat
   "What's that?" I ask as she walks to the door, looking behind her to make sure zoey is behind her
   "The tests" she says and she opens the door with her powers because the box was too big and she had to hold it with 2 hands
   She put the box on the counter and started opening it, "is Sadie in the shower?" She asks
   "Yeah" I pick sage back up before Zoey knocks her over
   She pulls out 2 cotton swabs, a strange small box connected to  a screen
   "Tony just had that?" I ask
   "Yea actually, he said he just started making a bunch of things for the girls whenever he had a thought about if they would have powers and stuff like that" she puts a swab in sages mouth and moves it around
   We hear the shower turn off and see Sadie walk out in her pjs
   Yn bought the girls a bunch of pjs because she thought the ones at the store were cute
   Sadie ran to yn, "hi mama" yn held her
   "Can you open your mouth please baby?" Yn asked Sadie
   Sadie opened her mouth and yn swabbed her mouth too
   She stuck Sages swab in a hole and the box started making sounds
   The screen lit up and brought up a pie chart, I looked at it and saw Sage had teleportation, telekinesis, immortality, super strength, and enhanced intelligence
   Yn turned to me and Sage, "holy crap dude" she says
   She pulls Sages out and puts in Sadie's, the machine does the same thing and the chart came up
   Sadie had telekinesis, mind control, super strength, enhanced intelligence, immortality and reality warping
   Yn looked at me with a scared look, "does that say reality warping?" She asked
   "That's what I'm seeing" I say and look at Sadie
   "I know how to do it mama" Sadie said, still sitting in yn's arms
   "How about we walk outside and you show daddy and I" yn says to Sadie
   Yn puts Sadie on the ground and we all walk to the yard
   "Go ahead baby" yn and I step back
   Sadie puts her hands up and moves her hands in circles as everything multiplies and surrounds yn and I ask a wall
   It turns to a circle then mirrors and about 50 of us appear
   It all stops when Sadie puts her hands down, yn's face lights up and she runs to Sadie, giving her a big hug when she reaches her
   We put sage in her high chair inside before we went outside
   We got back inside and she was on the floor, yn crouches down and picks Sage up, "did you teleport or are you just smart enough to get out?" Yn jokes
   It was about 8 pm so yn put the girls to bed and came out to the kitchen, where I was drinking some whiskey
   Yn poured herself some wine and sat up on the counter
   "My next appointment is next week Thursday at 3" yn takes a sip of her wine
   "Do you want me to come to that one?" I ask
   "Yea, we could drop the girls with Tony or Wanda"
   "Or Sam"
   Yn smiles, "we should"

   Thursday morning yn got the girls up and packed them a bag for Sam's house, Wanda would be there too, just to change the girls but Sam was doing the rest
   Yn put on cute, baggy, ripped jeans, a tight, black turtleneck, a yellow and white cardigan, and her black combat boots, also with chunky jewelry
I just wore a pair of jeans and a long sleeve green shirt and boots
Yn got Sadie dressed and Sage in a onzie, then we buckled them in their car seats
She drove because I don't know where her therapist is
We dropped the girls off at Sam's, Wanda was already there
"When Sage cries, change her, feed her, or try and get her to sleep" she says because Wanda can just tell Sam
"I hate you guys" Sam laughs
We get back in the car and start driving again, "you should do therapy" yn suggests
"Why" I ask
"Bucky it's good, you've- we've been through a lot, especially you" she says but keeps her eyes forward
"I can cope" I say as a total lie
"Uh huh, bullshit you can"
"I can"
"We'll see"
The drive isn't far from Sam's, it was only about a 10 minute drive
We park and walk inside, the Secretary smiles at yn and I
"Welcome back yn and hello mr barnes" she greets us
"Thank you and this is Bucky" yn introduces me
"Her office is open, go ahead" she points do a door behind her
We walk in and sit on the couch, her therapist sits in the chair after shaking my hand, "lovely to meet you mr barnes"
"You too" I say not knowing her name
"I'm glad you came with yn today, I think todays session could be good for you" she sounds like yn trying to get me into therapy

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