Chapter 27

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   Sadie stood on the counter, Wanda was changing Sage and I don't know how to get a child off a table
   "Wandaaa!!" I run around the table and Sadie moves away from me
   "What?" Wanda walks out into the kitchen and bursts out into laughter alongside with Sadie
   "Help me"
   Wanda hands me Sage and gets Sadie off the table
   She doesn't take Sage back, "you want her?" I ask
   "She's all yours" Wanda laughs
   "No this ain't funny, I don't know how to do this"
   "You're fine Sam, you're the one that said you'd watch both of them"
   "I didn't really have a choice"
   Sage starts crying, I grab her bottle off the counter and give it to her but she throws it at the floor
   "What-" Wanda starts laughing again
   I lay her down in her crib yn dropped off but she just cries louder
   "Let her cry Sam" Wanda yells from the living room
   I let her cry and I close the door so it's not as loud and plop on the couch next to Wanda and Sadie
   "Are you poor" sadie asks
   I look at Wanda with a surprised face, she starts laughing again
   "No I'm not poor... we'll I'm not that poor" I say
   "My mama has a lot of money, ask her for some" this kid is gonna make me go insane
   Sage cries for a little longer but stops after about 10 minutes
   "Finally!" I cheer
   Sadie gets back on the table, she acts like she's the king of the hill
   "Sadie get down" I say and start going around the table again but I catch her and put her on the ground
   "How does your mother do this?" I ask her
   "She lets me run around the backyard until I get tired then I take a nap"
   "So why don't you go outside?"
   "I need to be watched"
   We walk outside and she immediately starts running around, kinda like a dog
   About 20 minutes pass by until she gets tired, e we walk inside and she plops on the couch and nearly falls asleep as soon as her head hits the pillow
   Wanda smiles at me, "look at you go, you got them both asleep" she applauds me
   "I'm so glad I only have to watch them for an hour"
   "Are you gonna have kids?" She asks
   "Not after these 2, hell no"
   Wanda and I laugh

   The girls sleep for about an hour until yn and Bucky get done
   Yn and Bucky walk in quietly, yn sees Sadie and smiles
   She hugs her and start smothering Sadie with kisses, "ahhh mamaaaa" Sadie groans
   "Where's Sage?" Yn asks
   Wanda grabs the car seat and brings it out into the living room
   Sage wakes up when yn picks her up and hugs her, "good morning baby"
"Get the demons out of my house" I laugh
"They are little angels, what are you talking about" yn is still holding both of them
"Yeah their cute but energetic"
"Thank you Sam"
"Yeah yeah"
Bucky gets their kids in their car and they leave shortly after, Wanda too
I start to clean up because Sadie saw everything and wanted to touch it and Sage tried to eat everything
I picked my house up and it looked like it did before but a little cleaner since I had to wash everything
My phone starts buzzing in my pocket and I see it's a call from Steve
I pick up, "hey Steve what's up?" I ask
"Do you mind if I stop by?" He asks
"What for?"
"Just to say hi, maybe hang out"
"Don't you have a mission to go on?"
"Haha, not for the next 3 days"
"Yeah sure man, stop by"
He hangs up and I plop on my couch and turn on whatever's on tv
Steve runs pretty fast so I expected him to be there a few minutes after he hung up
That he was, he was there maybe 4 minutes after he hung up
He walked in, sweating, "you want a glass of water?" I ask
"I'm good" he sits next to me
We sit there in silence for a few, just watching tv
"Buck said you watched the kids a little bit ago" he breaks the silence
"Yup, I've never thought my brain was gonna explode before" Steve and I laugh
"Bucky also said Wanda was here"
"She changed the girls, yn knew I wasn't gonna do that"
I get up and get us both a drink, just whatever whiskey I had in my cabinet
We watched tv and sipped our drinks


Sarah and I played outside while mom and dad were inside
We had a single ball and we just threw it back and forth
"Do you two want to come to church with us?" My dad asked
Sarah and I ran to the door, "yes" we said at the same time
The 4 of us drove to church, Sarah and I singing along with whatever song was on the radio
Dad pulled over when he saw a gang fight, we heard him yelling at them to stop
My mom hesitated but got out but got out and ran to my father, who had been beaten and was laying on the ground
I open the door only to he's my mother yell, "close the door!!" She sounded worried
Sarah locked the door and our mom cried over my dad laying on the ground
Our mom walked back to the car, Sarah unlocked it and mom got in the drivers side and she locked the car again
My mom called the police and an ambulance as soon as the doors locked
The police got there and mom talked to them but told us to stay in the car
The next time my mother got in the car, she started crying but tried to hide it from us
We drove home and my mother weeped in her room for hours
Sarah and I put ourselves to bed, "Sarah" I sat quietly into the darkness of our room
"Yea?" She whispered back
"Is it just us and mom now?" I ask
"Y-yea" she stutters

A few years later when I was nine, the 3 of us went to the store for that weeks groceries
We walked in the store, grabbed all we needed, paid and walked to the car in the back of the parking lot
My mom was looking around and looked scared, she was being aware
"You 2 run to the elevator" my mom said before we were about to get in the car
Sarah and I did as our mother said and went to the elevator
She loaded the groceries into the trunk and right before she closed the trunk door, a man shot her 3 times before stealing her purse and some food
Sarah and I hugged as we cried and the elevator descended to the ground floor

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