Chapter 36

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* flashback *

   Carol brought the ship down to earth and a dulled nebula stepped out before a weak, skinny Tony
   I covered my mouth with my hands, I couldn't believe he was alive
   I walked to him and hugged him, seeing your brother after god knows how long, can get you sober real quick
   I hug him, shaking, I feel his arms around me, he's shaky too
   We take him inside and get him out on an IV to nurse him back to health
   I wasn't listening to the talking, I was just sitting there, soaking in my thoughts
   My mug sits on the table, full of rum, "yn what's in that?" Tony asks
   "Rum" I say bluntly and drink half of it
   "I didn't think you were a drinker" he says sarcastically
   "I am now"
   "Can I talk to you privately"
   We go into Tony's office, he sighs and looks to the ground
   "Are you drunk" he asks
   "I'm trying to be" I finish off the run in my mug
   "I lost my husband, both my kids, and my best friends"
   "Are you into drugs too?" He starts to get mad
   "Only weed" I laugh
   "Jesus what is wrong with you?"
   I stay quiet, I know he's mad but I'm drunk again and I'm trying to to panic
   "Yn!" He slams his fists on the table, making me jump
   "I'm a more peaceful person, I haven't had an episode since I started doing this" I explain
   "My sister isn't an alcoholic addict"
   "Tony I lost everything"
   "Now you did"
   He walks out of the room and I fall to the floor in more pain than I started in
   The tears flow from my eyes and splat on the ground
   I felt like I lost it, like I hit rock bottom, like I went insane
   Something in my brain snapped, I broke the window and left through that
   I flew all the way home and laid in bed for 3 days, I didn't eat, I didn't drink, I didn't shower, I only fed Zoey and let her outside

*end of flashback*

"Sorry if I asked too many questions" he says as we ride the elevator to the top floor
   "No, it's fine" I say and we see the wizard lady
We step out of the elevator and walk to her, but I get stuck
I vision flashes in my eyes, it's Bucky, Sadie, and sage
Everyone, and I mean everyone is on the battlefield, thanks snaps again and nothing happens, Tony has the stones
Tony snaps and Thanos's army disappears just as Bucky did 5 years ago
I snap out of the vision to see banner and the other lady looking at me
The eye of agamotto is draped around her neck, "we need the stone" I say
"What for?" She asks
"To bring everyone back" banner says
She said stuff about messing up the timeline and creating a loose end in the time space continuum
Banner explained how we needed it and that we would put them back
I zoned out, I was thinking about how I could get Bucky back
We could get everyone back, Wanda, my kids, Bucky
I wanted them back more than anything, it almost killed me to lose them

* flashback *

I laid on the floor, my limbs sprawled out, the bottles and lighters and ends of joints surrounding me
My eyes started to close, my throat tightened, I got nauseous
I heard the front door open and footsteps approaching
A scream echoes in the room aswell as a gasp from what sounded like Steve
I couldn't see but I could feel hands under my back and on my neck
I heard more and more yelling and panic and the clinks of bottles moving on the floor
As I lost consciousness, I felt as I was carried out and put into a car
   When I awoke again I was in a hospital bed and Steve and Tony were sitting in the chairs of my room
   There was a tube down my throat, and a bunch of different things in my arms
   The doctor saw I was awake and pulled the tube out in the most painful way ever
   She pulled the tube out and I gaged until she got it out, then I started coughing
   "What the hell is wrong with you?!" Tony yelled
   My eyes were teary but I took deep breaths and didn't cry
"I could say the same" I say
"Are you okay?" Steve asks
"Yea Steve I'm fine, quit pretending like you care" I point to the door
"Tony you leave too" I snap
"Im here to maybe snap some god damn sense into you, so I'm not fucking leaving" Tony says, but steve leaves
"I can handle myself Tony, I don't need you or steve or nat to come save me, I fine" I think about how not fine I am and how I'm slowly crumbling, but I don't need him
"You died" he says
"I know, I felt it, but it's not the first time, nor is it the last" I sigh and look at the ceiling
"Were you trying to?" he asks
"Yes but it never works" I close my eyes and imagine death, I could be reunited with my family
"What are you talking about?" He asks
"I'm immortal, I can't fucking die" I cover my face with my hands and rub my eyes
"How many times have you tried?" He almost sounds worried
"Don't pity me Tony, don't act like you care, don't try to understand, don't stay here with me like you didn't disown me as a sister"
"I do care"
"You might but you don't want to and I know you want to leave me and walk out of this hospital and never see me again, so go"
"Don't push me away!"
"You pushed me away!"
"You gave up"
"I lost my husband and children, that hurts more than you think Tony"

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