Chapter 48

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Natasha asked me down here, all though I had other things to do, she made it sound important
I walked into the compound, and Steve rogers greeted me and brought me to the meeting room where Natasha was
"Thank you so much for coming, you won't regret it" Natasha shakes my hand
"Why was I called here" I don't want to be here longer than I have to
"For yn" she slides me hydra and shield files of a woman once known as yn stark from 1923-1935, when she changed to yn slokov from 1935-2013 when she became yn Barnes
   "How is she still alive, she's at least 100" I don't assume she would be a threat at her age
   "She was in cryofreeze for most of her life, she looks as if she's in her late 30's" Natasha explains
   "What's dangerous about her?" I ask just as Natasha's phone starts to buzz
   She walks out of the room to take it and Steve takes over talking as I look through the hydra file
   It had her picture from then stuck to the paper with a paper clip
   She had long brown hair in a high ponytail with thick curtain bangs
   She wore a black turtle neck made of leather with a mask covering her face from her nose to her chin
   Her eyes were brown and yellow, her skin was fair but had a scar from the middle of her forehead, to the bottom of her chin
   The file said she had killed thousands with her partner, James Buchanan Barnes
   I looked at the shield file of her, the picture stuck with it was about 10 years newer
   In that picture, she wore a yellow top with a brown corset
   Her face was fully exposed in this one, her lips were shiny with lipgloss, and she let yer bangs grow out long enough to match the length of the rest of her hair
   It said she had abilities like telekinesis, the power to control thunder and lightning, super strength, power of reality, space, mind, the ability to clone herself as an illusion, and many more
   "So she has the ability of every infinity stone?" I ask
   "All but time" Steve crosses his arms and sits down
   Natasha walks in, "you want me to fight her?" I ask ask she sits down next to Steve
   No, but if we all, mostly you, Wanda, Thor, and Steven strange, come together, we can kill her and save the world
   "What? How does the world need saving from her?" I ask
   "Steven said she's close enough to a break that if she does, she could rip the multiverse" Natasha takes a deep breath
   "So how do we stop her?" I sit down next to Steve and Natasha
   "We need to get her arrested, and use our abilities together to kill her" she sums it up pretty easily
   "You must channel all of your abilities and energy at her, and it will be too much for her, turning her into dust" she presses her lips together
   Natasha cares about yn, her face says it all, she doesn't want to do it, but she will because she has to, to save the multiverse
   Steve cares too, that's why he's not saying much, and why he's just looking at the table, probably lost in a never ending train of thought
   "Do you think it will 100% work?" I ask, not believing even that much power could kill her, her file said she was immortal
   A silence runs through the room for longer than it should, "what if it doesn't, she'll kill all of us" I stand back up
   "She'll be imprisoned, she'll have a collar on, her powers won't work" Natasha explains
   "She's still a good fighter" I slide her the files back
   She looks them over for a second, "I'm sure we can manage"
   "And her kids?" Steve mumbled something about them earlier when Natasha was out of the room
   "We don't have to worry about them, they're neutral, they aren't helping, and they aren't stopping us" Natasha says
   "You aren't thinking this over well enough, bring me their files" I look to Steve, who is still looking at the table
   He walks off to go get them and silence tightens the room while he's gone
   He brings 2 files back and sets them in front of me, opening the top one as he walks by
   The first one, born in 2006, the other born in 2010
The first one was Sadie rose Barnes, she had brown hair, much like yn's, one light blue eye, one brown and yellow eye
Sadie could warp reality like Steven strange, and had a few other abilities aswell
The second kid was named Sage Barnes, she had white hair, with brown eyes
Sage could teleport different places and in a tiny hand written sticky note in the corner, it said, "Sage can control minds with ease, also being able to become their conscience, -Tony Stark"
I look at the note for a moment, she could become their conscience, she could will them to do anything, and they knew what they were doing while she forced them to do it
"Sage sounds dangerous" I say, flipping through her papers
"Sage isn't, but Sadie is" Natasha grabs Sadie's file and flips through it
I turn it around and show Steve the sticky note, "she could tell a person- a group of people to commit mass crimes against their will, and she would have no blood on her hands"
"She wouldn't do that tho" Steve shows it to Natasha
They don't seem to make a big deal of it and they take the files back
"Is her husband on board with it?" I look to Natasha and Steve as he sits down
"Yes, and she is too" Wanda walks through the doors
"Her husband wants to kill her? She wants to die?" I ask and wanda sits down too
"No but they know she needs to go, yn sees the big picture and Bucky thinks she's a danger to her kids"

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